Dear Comrades,
On behalf of the Communist Party of Slovakia, I thank the Portuguese Communist Party for your invitation and for taking the initiative to once again convene a meeting of Communist and Workers’ parties. I am greeting the participants of this conference and wish you success and fruitful work.
A few remarks on the dangers and potentialities of the international situation, an imperialist strategy and the energy issue.
The recent international situation is a result of an imperialist globalization policy, which is largely under the control of the transnational corporations of the leading capitalist countries and the international organizations, – IMF, WTO, OECD, World Bank and other agencies. Their objective is to get maximum profit by controlling all areas of human life including property, labor force, economy and culture.
Imperialists in the name of the "war on terrorism" can attack anybody who resists the corporate globalization process and tries to pursue an independent development path. Because the ongoing globalization process produces inequality and poverty, protests of different kinds will continue to arise. The "war on terrorism" is used to suppress opposition in any part of the world or at home and simultaneous push for "free trade" and cutbacks in spending for the civil society. This is a real danger in the world leading to total globalization, total exploitation and total control of everything by owners of private properties.
I will mention only one example of the inequalities: Last year, a combined income of the 691 world’s dollar billionaires was 35% higher than all GDP production in the 50 least developed countries having 723 million populations. To put it in other words, total production of 723 millions was not enough for the combine income of the 691 richest. The combined income of each of dollar billionaires for last 10 years was 1-1.6 million $ per day.
I will shortly describe one of the main problems, as a product of recent global capitalism. According to the Human Development Report 2005, high income countries, which is 15% of the world population, have 7.4 times higher GDPPPP per capita, than the rest 85% of the world population. If the poor 85% of the world population would like to have the same living standard as in the high income countries, they would need to increase GDP production at least 7 times. They would need to increase the production and consumption of electricity, oil, gas, paper, plastics, CO2, cut trees, and so on, at least 7 times. The question is, can our planet sustain the 7-times increase of production and consumption, when even now, the GDP and consumption negatively influence the environment of our planet? Using recent capitalist economic rules, it is evident that our planet can not sustain it.
What is an imperialist strategy to solve this problem? There are at least three possibilities. The first possibility is to keep the development and GDP production and consumption of the 85% of the world population in poor countries as low as possible. The second possibility is to keep the population of the poor countries as low as possible or decrease the population somehow. The third possibility is to rationalize GDP production in the world, mainly in the high income countries.
The imperialist strategy can not solve this problem in a human way, since in order to have more profit, capitalists have to increase exploitation of somebody or increase production and consumption. For them, it does not matter what kind of production and consumption it is.
The danger of the unsolved problems of increased exploitation, inequality, deterioration of planet environment and danger of local or global wars is very actual. This is a high challenge for communist and workers parties and a real potentiality to show our alternative way to solve these problems.
How can we successfully use recent potentialities?
1. Firstly: We need to continue work on our alternative way to solve the recent world problems. The best would be, if we had some kind of “Manifest of communist and workers parties for the 21. century”, something like a “Bible of socialism”. It should describe the basic rules of socialism and how to solve the world problems by changing the capitalist system to a socialist one. We need to have clear pillars of socialism, which should be easy to understand by anybody, and under which we can unite in our aim.
2. Secondly: If we have an alternative way of solving the problems, it is important that everybody knows it. We need to widespread our thoughts, opinions and aims, so that everybody can discuss, compare and choose an alternative way. Everybody must know, what does socialism mean in relation to private property, business, human rights, education, health care and so on. We must also educate and inform the people about the present system which is working for the benefit of a tiny capitalist minority. For all this, we need to continue to work on our own international media, to have in mind a project of global TV and radio channels of communist and workers parties.
3. Thirdly: We need to develop a strategy, which would unite a broad spectrum of people under the common aim and develop a strategy for a gradual victory. For this, we need to continue the regular exchange of views in order to co-ordinate our strategy and programs.
I understand that it is relatively easy to design the aim, than to realize it. To realize our aim we also need capital. I suggest also using capitalism to get it, among other possibilities.
The Communist Party of Slovakia supports the proposals of the presented parties: We support the proposals of the Cuban delegation to end the 46 years of the USA’s criminal blockade against Cuba, support the release of all 5 Cuban anti-terrorist heroes, who are unjustly jailed in U.S. for 8 years already and condemn a new Bush plan to defeat Cuba’s revolution.
We support the natural right for a state for the Palestinians and the return of all refugees.
The Communist Party of Slovakia condemns the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Concerning nuclear weapons programs, we are for the world without any nuclear weapons.
We welcome the success and development of left forces in Latin America and support all left progressive movements leading to social justice, peace and socialism.
Victory belongs to Socialism!
Thank you for your attention.
Karol Ondrias
member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party of Slovakia.