National Issues
Workers stop so the country can advance
19 March 2015
Last March 13th, there was a national Public Administration strike , called for by the Common Front of Trade Unions, supported by practically all the remaining organizations with trade union representation in the sector.
Thousands in the streets said enough right-wing policy
13 March 2015
Many thousands of workers, retired and unemployed, women and men, old and young, came to the streets throughout the country, on March 7th, answering the call of the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN), giving greater strength to the struggle to defeat the PSD/CDS government, breaking from the right-wing policy followed for 38 years, and build and alternative and sovereign alternative.
Rally commemorating the 94th anniversary of the PCP
6 March 2015
We are here to celebrate the 94th. Anniversary of a Party with a unique history - the anniversary of the Portuguese Communist Party. The Party of anti-fascist resistance, of freedom and democracy. The Party of the April Revolution and its achievements.
On the informal European Council
16 February 2015
In the aftermath of the informal European Council of February 12:
The PCP considers that the statements made by the Prime Minister, after the meeting of the European Council, constitute an unacceptable act of submission to the interests of big business and the directory of powers led by Germany.
Statement by the Central Committee of the PCP - Meeting of 14th December
26 December 2014
The PCP Central Committee met on 14 December 2014, having analysed Portugal's situation as well as aspects of the international situation. It examined developments in the mass struggle and in the work to bring about a break with right-wing policies and to build a patriotic and left-wing alternative. The Central Committee outlined preparations for the 2015 parliamentary election, as well as to continue strengthening and asserting the Party.
Public Administration workers in struggle for a 35 hour workweek, against lay-offs, for the defense of quality public services
9 December 2014
On December 4th, thousands of local administration workers held a protest march in Lisbon demanding respect for collective contracts and publication of the Collective Public Employer Agreement (ACEP) that enshrines the 35 hour workweek, as well as reaffirms the constitutional autonomy of Local Power.
CGTP-IN National March “For a left-wing and sovereign policy”
28 November 2014
In a National March that took place last November 21-25th, called by the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN), thousands of workers demonstrated throughout the country, showing their complete indignation towards the right-wing policies of the PSD/CDS government that is only exploiting and impoverishing the country.
Statement by the Central Committee of the PCP - Meeting of 19th October 2014
19 October 2014
The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on October 19, 2014, analysed the country’s economic, social and political situation, aspects of the international situation, assessed the development of the action with the objective of a rupture with the right-wing policy and the materialisation of a patriotic and left-wing alternative, the intensification of the mass struggle and the strengthening of the Party and defined the guidelines and tasks for its dynamization.
Intervention by Jerónimo de Sousa General Secretary of PCP at the Rally Avante Festival
7 September 2014
We commemorate the 40 years since the April Revolution in this «Avante!» Festival, in this Festival which is April.
Statement of the PCP Central Committee of June 29th - 30th, 2014
30 June 2014
The Central Committee of PCP, in its June 29th-30th 2014 meeting , analyzed the country's economic, social and political situation, the deeply damaging consequences of the Government's right-wing policy and action, as well as its confrontation with the Constitution of the Republic; evaluated the development of the worker's and people's struggle; appreciated aspects of the international and European Union situation; and defined guidelines for political initiative, the struggle for achieving a patriotic and left-wing alternative and the reinforcement of the Party.