National Issues

Closing speech of the XXII Congress of the PCP

Allow me to greet the guests who greatly honor us with their presence, various organizations and structures, associations, movements, political parties, social organizations, among which I highlight the CGTP-IN delegation. A special greeting to our allies, the Ecologist Party “Os Verdes”, the Democratic Intervention Association,, and the many independents, without party affiliation, who are part of this project of work, honesty and competence that is the CDU.

The communist ideal and project, the state of the world, the revolutionary overcoming of capitalism, and socialism

Comrades, The communist ideal and project are the revolutionary compass of our Party. However hostile the circumstances and whatever the immediate tasks and tactical alliances, we must never lose sight of the fact that the highest objective of our struggle and the raison d'être of our Party is the unrelenting struggle against capitalist exploitation and the construction in Portugal of a socialist and communist society.

Identity, intervention and strengthening of the Party

Comrades, We are holding our Party’s XXII Congress in these historic and challenging times, which heighten the responsibility that we shoulder.

Motion «Struggle of the workers»

Approved unanimously Nothing is inevitable! With the transforming struggle of the workers and the people, and a stronger and more active PCP, resist and move forward along the path of the April Revolution. Exposing the logic that is inherent to its true nature, capitalism and the political forces that represent it never miss an opportunity to intensify the exploitation of the workers and peoples, in their quest for a greater accumulation and concentration of wealth.

The context in which we struggle. Characteristics of the offensive and ideological struggle

Comrades, To address the struggle that we are waging by addressing the context in which it takes place may sound like justification. It is not so. Bearing in mind these conditions, the framework in which the struggle is being waged, the existing balance of forces, assessing the means used to condition our action, identifying those who oppose it - are all essential starting points in order to confront obstacles, overcome difficulties, guarantee success for the Party's response.

The international relations of PCP, the international communist and revolutionary movement and the anti-imperialist front

Comrades As stated in the proposal of political resolution, the international situation is, in general terms, worsening as a result of imperialism's escalation of confrontation and war, which, in addition to its brutal consequences for millions of human beings, contains dangers of a conflict of major proportions. Reality is demonstrating that, in the face of its relative decline, the United States of America, along with other great capitalist powers, is using all its means to protect its hegemonic dominance.

PCP’s activity in the European Parliament

Comrades, The period since the last congress has been difficult and demanding. The deterioration of living conditions, the worsening of inequalities and social injustices, the worrying developments in the international situation, especially the pandemic and the escalation of confrontation and war, have marked these four years in a particularly negative way. In addition, there has been a violent offensive against the Party with the aim of conditioning or even preventing our action and the affirmation of our political positions.

The International Situation

Comrades: We live in times of great instability and uncertainty. The international situation has worsened substantially. The escalation of confrontation and war by imperialism spreads throughout the world. International tensions are rising to very dangerous levels and the threat of a global conflict of catastrophic proportions is growing. And the question is obvious: how did it come to this?

Education - The Public Education System

Education, which should be a cause for hope among our people, is today, on the contrary, a cause of great anxiety and deep concern. This is the result of the political and ideological offensive against the right to education and the Public Education System. This offensive is centred on a very strong commitment to maintaining education as a means for the reproduction of capitalism, reproducing the material and ideological conditions for its own existence.

Rupture and alternative. Patriotic and left-wing policy. The aim of the struggle today. Contents and objectives.

Comrades At the present moment, the political objectives of the PCP's action are a rupture with the right-wing policy and the affirmation of an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy, which goes hand in hand with the defence of the democratic regime and the implementation of the rights and the project enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic. What, after all, is this alternative policy that has been talked about so much here at this Congress? How can we implement it? What are its contents and objectives?