National Issues

We need more CDU MPs to defend Portugal in the European Union

Here we are presenting the slate of CDU candidates for the European Parliament. Twenty-nine candidates who, together with all of us, with all the activists, all the supporters, all the militants, all the forces that together with the PCP make up the CDU, the Ecologist Party “The Greens”, the Democratic Intervention Association, independents without party affiliation, all those who will join us in the CDU, will continue to span the country, affirm the CDU and valorise its work, its proposals and distinctive project.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of April 15, 2024

The Central Committee of the Portuguese Communist Party, meeting on April 15, 2024, analysed the political situation resulting from the recent legislative elections, addressed the preparation of the elections for the European Parliament and the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and deepened the analysis about the country's situation and the responses that are required. The Central Committee of the PCP called the XXII Congress for December 13, 14 and 15, 2024.

It's been 6 months of genocide. The government must side with the Palestinian people and demand an immediate ceasefire and recognise the Palestinian State

Peace needs more than these gestures, but these gestures are fundamental. This is yet another action among the hundreds of actions that have been carried out in the country so far. We cannot fail to take into account that tomorrow marks six months of an ongoing massacre, of an ongoing genocide. Six months, it seems like 40 years, but it’s been six months of death, massacre, genocide that has to stop.

It is now that we decide on the strength of the voice heard in defence of the rights of the workers and peoples of Europe

We head to the European Parliament's electoral battle aware of the difficulties and dangers that the people and the country face, but also with the determination of those who fight on all fronts for the rights of the people and for national sovereignty and independence, in defence of a Europe of cooperation between sovereign states equal in rights, of social progress and peace. We move ahead with the confidence of those who consider the work carried out towards these aims to be the best argument for voting and reinforcing their struggle.

The CDU stands, clearly, for national sovereignty and independence, for the right of the people to decide their path

A greeting to everyone present, to our allies from PEV and ID and to the many who have no party affiliation and find their space for construction and unity in the CDU. On June 9, the Portuguese people will once again be called to the polls to elect 21 MPs to a European Parliament, which actually operates in Brussels/Strasbourg, but the impacts of whose decisions are reflected in the everyday lives of those who live and work here. If it is done there, it is here that it is paid, and that is also at stake in these elections.

About the debate on Mandatory Military Service

The ongoing debate about a possible reintroduction of Mandatory Military Service (MMS) now arises, at the hands of those who were responsible for its end, associated with the war, when what is necessary is to uphold Peace efforts and counter the militarist drift to which they want to associate our Country. What is needed is Armed Forces at the service of Peace and within the framework of their constitutional missions, which requires the total rejection of their subordination to the warmongering strategies of NATO or the militarisation projects of the European Union.

There are many reasons for the Portuguese youth to fight for an alternative policy that responds to their problems

Today's demonstration and the mobilisation that took place, both in Lisbon and Porto, and which we welcome, shows that young workers are not waiting for either the governments or the majorities in the Assembly of the Republic to fight for their rights, to demand improvements in their working conditions, their living conditions and their future prospects.

We are the force of the workers and the people, and we are their voice in the European Parliament

A salute to your militancy and joy. A special salute to the JCP and through you to all students, on this day which marks National Student Day. A salute to all of you for your effort, commitment and dedication, without asking for anything in return, to the cause of the workers and the people. This is how we are and this is how we fought an election campaign, of great importance and significance, and whose results fell short of expectations.

With our usual courage, we will fight the struggles that lie ahead

A salute to all of you, a salute for your militancy, for your effort, a salute for the commitment and dedication of this magnificent party collective to the cause of the workers and our people. A special salute to the youth and JCP for the creativity and combativeness they put into the election campaign we carried out. A campaign of great importance and meaning and whose results do not portray the effort and dynamics created. The concerns and discontent that we all feel is fair and understandable.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of March 12, 2024

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on March 12, 2024, analysed the results of the elections for the Assembly of the Republic and the elections for the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, and the resulting political framework. It assessed aspects of the national and international situation and established lines of action, political initiative and strengthening of the Party, to respond to the demands that arise.