Political Committee of the Central Committee

Ângelo Alves

Ângelo Alves

Intellectual. 49 years old

Armindo Miranda

Armindo Miranda

Employee. 67 years old

Belmiro Magalhães

Belmiro Magalhães

Degree in History. 38 years old

Carina Castro

Carina Castro

Degree in Visual Arts. 37 years old

Fernanda Mateus

Fernanda Mateus

Textile worker. 61 years old

Francisco Lopes

Francisco Lopes

Factory workers. 65 years old

Gonçalo Oliveira

Gonçalo Oliveira

Clerk. 41 years old

Jaime Toga

Jaime Toga

Intellectual. 42 years old

João Dias Coelho

João Dias Coelho

Employee. 65 years old

João Ferreira

João Ferreira

Biólogo. 42 years old

João Frazão

João Frazão

Intellectual. 49 years old

João Oliveira

João Oliveira

Lawyer. 41 years old

Jorge Cordeiro

Jorge Cordeiro

Employee. 67 years old

Jorge Pires

Jorge Pires

Chemical worker. 67 years old

José Capucho

José Capucho

Employee. 62 years old

Manuel Rodrigues

Manuel Rodrigues

Teacher. 67 years old

Octávio Augusto

Octávio Augusto

Factory workers. 59 years old

Patrícia Machado<

Patrícia Machado

Socio-Educational Animator.. 42 years old

Paulo Raimundo

Paulo Raimundo

Factory workers. 44 years old

Ricardo Costa

Ricardo Costa

Factory workers. 41 years old

Rui Fernandes

Rui Fernandes

Employee. 60 years old

Vasco Cardoso

Vasco Cardoso

Degree in Management. 43 years old

Vladimiro Vale

Vladimiro Vale

Technical Engineer of Animal Production. 47 years old