National Issues

List of Foreign Parties and Organizations present at the XVIII Congress

Angola – (MPLA) Algeria– PADS Belgium – Workers Party of Belgium Brazil – Communist Party of Brazil Brazil – Brazilian Communist Party Brazil – Brazilian Socialist Party Britain – Communist Party of Britain Cape Verde - PAICV Chile – Communist Party of Chile China – Communist Party of China Cyprus – AKEL Colombia - Communist Party of Colombia Cuba – Communist Party of Cuba Czech Republic – Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Denmark – Communist Party of Denmark Denmark – Communist Party in Denmark East-Timor – FRETILIN France – French Communist Party Germany – Die Linke

Political Committee of the CC elected at the XVIII Congress

Political Committee of the CC elected by majority, with one abstinence. Ângelo Alves Armindo Miranda Bernardino Soares Carlos Gonçalves Fernanda Mateus Francisco Lopes Jaime Toga Jerónimo de Sousa João Dias Coelho João Frazão Jorge Cordeiro Jorge Pires José Catalino Margarida Botelho Octávio Augusto Paulo Raimundo Rui Fernandes Vasco Cardoso Vladimiro Vale

General Secretary elected at the XVIII Congress

General Secretary, comrade Jerónimo de Sousa ( that understood not to vote in his election itself) was elected unanimously. Jerónimo de Sousa

Secretariat of the Central Committee elected at the XVIII Congress

The Secretariat of the Central Committee was elected unanimously. Albano Nunes Alexandre Araújo Francisco Lopes Jeronimo de Sousa Jorge Cordeiro José Capucho Luísa Araújo Manuela Bernardino Manuela Pinto Angelo

Opening Speech of the 18th Congress

Dear comrade delegates Esteemed comrades and friends, national and international guests Our Party arrives at this 18th. Congress anchored on ideals and goals, on answers to the situations and problems, with a very clear idea on the course we want to follow, not only of consolidation, but of political, organizational, social and electoral progress and growth. It is an outward-looking Congress, that focuses on action and struggle, with the workers and the people.

Greeting Messages to the XVIII Congress

List of Greeting Messages to the XVIII Congress of the Portuguese Communist Party Invited Parties and Organizations that not being able to be present at our Congress, sent greeting messages: Communist Party of Argentina Communist Party of Argentina Communist Party of Austria Communist Party of Belarus Workers Party of Brazil Socialist Workers Party of Croatia

Communiqué of the Central Committee - 3 March 2008

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on October 27, 2008, analyzed the crisis of capitalism, its causes and effects, its expression in Portugal.

Theses to the XVIII PCP Congress (Chapter I, II and IV)

Chapter I -The International Situation

"Avante!" Closing Rally 2008

Here we are at this magnificent rally in this fascinating "Avante!" Festival and, for that, our fraternal greeting to all those who are present here! But we do not tire in stressing that the originality, the distinctive brand of this political and cultural event lies in the way and in those who architected, projected and built it!