National Issues

Renegotiation of the debt – PCP fulfils election pledge

News Conference, Bernardino Soares President of PCP´s Parliamentary Group, António Filipe, MP and Agostinho Lopes, MP, Assembly of the Republic

Economic Governance and competitiveness Pact – A crusade against labour and social rights, serious breaches of national independence and sovereignty

Press Conference statement by Ilda Figueiredo and João Ferreira, PCP Members of the European Parliament

More than 300.000 people demonstrate in Lisbon against the right wing policy

More than 300.000 people occupied the center of Lisbon demonstrating against the policy of national disaster of the Socialist Party (Social Democratic, Government Party) and of the PSD (Right Wing Party). Responding to the call of the CGTP/IN (The Class based Portuguese Confederation of the Portuguese Workers) an immense mass of indignation, protest and struggle, occupied the main avenues and squares in the center of the Portuguese Capital.

Statement on the results of the General Elections

(made before the announcement of the final results)

Avante Festival 2009 Closing Rally

What a beautiful and wonderful rally this is!

More than 85,000 participate in the March of “Protest, confidence and struggle”

The avenues of central Lisbon - from Campo Pequeno to Marquês de Pombal (around 2,3km distance) - were filled by a sea of people shouting several slogans against the right wing policy of the Government of the socialist Party and in support of CDU.

Closure speech of the 18th Congress of PCP

We have reached the end of our XVIII Congress. Not the end of a 3 day event, but the culmination of a process we began and are preparing since February.

Report of the Mandates Verification Committee

The Mandates Verification Committee (MVC), elected at the beginning of our Congress, has examined the documentation concerning the election of delegates to the 18th Congress. Up to this time, we have 1461 delegates present at the Congress. 55 of the primary delegates were replaced by their alternates, who were elected by the same Assembly, and we have concluded that they all fulfilled the condition mentioned in article 18 of the Congress Rules.