National Issues

April is more future

For months, the country has been facing an escalation in the prices of fuel and other products. An escalation that, with sanctions under the pretext of war, now knows even more brutal increases for the benefit of those who take advantage of them. In addition to the unjustifiable increases in fuel prices, a few days ago we were faced with further increases in electricity, gas and food products.

No more injustice and impoverishment. No to the rising cost of living

For months, the country has been facing an escalation in the prices of fuel and other products. An escalation that, with sanctions under the pretext of war, now knows even more brutal increases for the benefit of those who take advantage of them. In addition to the unjustifiable increases in fuel prices, a few days ago we were faced with further increases in electricity, gas and food products.

«The political framework and the intervention of the PCP. Background, current situation and prospects»

The ambition of the PS [Socialist Party] for an absolute majority, which led to the call for early elections, has been achieved. The manoeuvre set in motion to guarantee the interests and privileges of the ruling classes was accomplished with one of the possible solutions on which the centres of big capital and the promoters of right-wing policies were seeking What these interests gained, the country has lost in termos of the prospect of solving the problems confronting it. The policy needed to provide pressing answers for the lives of the workers and people is now more distant.

«The Portuguese Communist Party and the general and particular in the Portuguese Revolution»

Presentation by Albano Nunes at the Conference “100 years of the PCP” promoted by the Institute of Contemporary History of NOVA-FCSH [Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – Lisbon New University], at the Municipal Library of Alcântara in Lisbon, on November 4, 5, 6, 2021.

«Here we are ready to fight the battles of the present and the future»

Warmest and most cordial greetings to all at this magnificent Anniversary Rally of our Party and the closing of its Centenary celebrations, a day of struggle for rights, peace, freedom, democracy and socialism. A greeting in particular to the many democrats without party affiliation who are here with us at this very special moment for us Portuguese communists.

«The organised force is capable of much, but the organised force of the workers is capable of everything»

Here we are determined and confident in the project we have and want to build. A construction that is done every day on the most diverse fronts but which is first and foremost based in companies and workplaces. With the workers and for the workers, this is our commitment that has lasted for one hundred and one years. We are well aware of the difficulties because we feel them just like all other workers. We know the problems, not because of what they tell us, but because we are there, we feel them and we face them.

«A society that values the right to be a child, to grow up healthy and happy, has its eyes on the future and on a humanist and sovereign development project»

The greatest wealth of a country is its people. An educated and cultured people, solidary and sovereign, respected and with rights, is the decisive force to build a democratic and developed country. Ensuring integral development for children, adolescents and young people is essential for a country that wants to have a future. Ensuring that they grow up healthy and happy, with curiosity and respect for the world around them, is everyone's right, regardless of their circumstances, but it is also a factor of development and emancipation for all.

«Here we are to change the world, this is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth!»

The Party that celebrates 101 years today, which the young communists salute with an affection the size of our dreams, the size of the world. Our Party! A party that has always maintained its commitment to the workers, the people and the Portuguese youth. And here we are to change the world, to free it from exploitation, to build socialism and communism. This is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth! Long live the struggle of youth!

Defend peace, stop the escalation of confrontation

Our first words are to express deep concern about developments in the escalation of political, economic and military confrontation and the serious risks that such confrontation involves. War is the greatest danger humanity faces and Europe has one of the most painful experiences of what it can mean. War is not a solution to any problem and every effort must be made to avoid it.