National Issues
«Here we are to change the world, this is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth!»
6 March 2022
The Party that celebrates 101 years today, which the young communists salute with an affection the size of our dreams, the size of the world. Our Party!
A party that has always maintained its commitment to the workers, the people and the Portuguese youth.
And here we are to change the world, to free it from exploitation, to build socialism and communism. This is our project for the future, that is why we will always be the Party of the Youth!
Long live the struggle of youth!
Defend peace, stop the escalation of confrontation
24 February 2022
Our first words are to express deep concern about developments in the escalation of political, economic and military confrontation and the serious risks that such confrontation involves.
War is the greatest danger humanity faces and Europe has one of the most painful experiences of what it can mean.
War is not a solution to any problem and every effort must be made to avoid it.
Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of February 1, 2022
1 February 2022
The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on February 1, 2022, analysed the results of the early elections for the Assembly of the Republic of January 30, 2022, and the resulting political framework; examined the national situation; evaluated aspects of the international situation; pointed out lines of action, political initiative and the strengthening of the Party, to respond to the demands that are placed.
On the electoral results for the Assembly of the Republic
30 January 2022
1. The CDU, PCP and PEV [coalition] have had a constant intervention which, not disregarding any possibility of defending, restoring and winning rights, prevented regressions and scored advances that had a positive impact on the lives of millions of people. The evolution in the country’s situation imposed that solutions be sought for the national problems, for the lives of the Portuguese workers and people. But instead the PS, striving for an absolute majority, in convergence with the President of the Republic, brought about the convening of early elections.
PCP stands in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people
29 November 2021
By deliberation of the UN General Assembly, today, November 29, marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
PCP's commitment to women's rights: Combating and preventing discrimination, inequalities and violence - Equality at work and in life
25 November 2021
For the PCP, signalling the day for the end of violence against women is not the evocation of an event, but rather expressing its support for the struggle of women against labour exploitation, inequalities, discrimination and violence, anchored in a vast heritage of reflection and proposal , embodied in the European Parliament and in the Assembly of the Republic regarding the various expressions of violence against women at work, in the family and in society, aimed at the reinforcement of legislation, but also a path towards its eradication.
Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of November 21, 2021
21 November 2021
The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on November 21, 2021, analysed the national situation and the necessary solutions for the country and pointed out measures for the Party's intervention, namely in the early elections for the Assembly of the Republic on January 30, 2022.
For an alternative patriotic and left-wing policy, for solutions for the country
National Demonstration of CGTP-IN
20 November 2021
«It is a great demonstration in an important day of struggle for the valorization of work and workers, particularly the valorization of wages as a fundamental issue, as a national emergency, along with other rights that have been called into question and that workers, using that experience and that famous phrase that "the rights are defended by exercising themselves", here they are exercising that right to proclaim the national demand for the valorization of wages, regulation of hours, the valorization of collective bargaining agreements.
«Young people connected to life who persist in the goal of transforming the dream into life»
13 November 2021
Most fraternal greetings from the leadership of the Portuguese Communist Party to the young communists and to the JCP. Greetings that we want to convey to the Portuguese youth, with their generosity in defending the right causes, their commitment and mobilisation for a better world.
A greeting to each one of you and, through you, to all the young communists who are not here today, but who, every day in their schools, in their workplaces, in their associations, in their multiple activities, assume the condition of activists for the rights of youth, their interests and aspirations.
The PS and its Green Taxation hide the accountability of capitalism on environmental degradation
2 November 2021
A fraternal greeting from the leadership of our Party to the JCP, to the young communists and, through you, to the Portuguese youth.
A greeting that is all the more deserved as JCP, in the scope of its diversified activity in defence of the rights, interests and aspirations of the youth, has never failed to pay attention to and follow the struggle in defence of a healthy and ecologically balanced environment, embracing a wide range of initiatives and ensuring participation in the youth dynamics of environmental protection under the motto “Capitalism is not green”.