National Issues

«It is not possible to talk about children's rights without talking about wages, working time and the stability of parents' employment»

I want, first of all, to welcome all the participants in this gathering promoted by the PCP under the motto "Children and Parents with rights" taking place in a well-chosen space to which Matosinhos gave the name of Álvaro Cunhal, this remarkable personality of our contemporary history and with a fine sensibility to everything referring to and involving the world of children and their well-being,  well expressed in his words: "Love for children, the struggle to assure them all they need in the present and to secure their future, is an inalienable part of the progr

Food production, agriculture and food sovereignty – a national goal

First and foremost, I would like to welcome your important presence in this Hearing promoted by the Parliamentary Group of the PCP and thank you for your contributions, coming from the deep knowledge of those who persevere in tilling the land and feeding the cattle, come rain or shine. Contributions that will be particularly useful for our work and intervention.

PCP’s solidarity to the victims of the fires

In view of the fires that in recent days have devastated important areas from north to south of the country, and which have already destroyed thousands of hectares of forests and undergrowth, affected dozens of homes, caused considerable damage to farms, annual crops and permanent crops, affecting incomes for a long time, as well as companies and public infrastructure, and apart from a more elaborate later position, the PCP expresses most heartfelt solidarity with all the victims of these tragic events and deep appreciation for all the agents involved in the combat, from the outset to those

«The special increase of 10 euros does not restore the erosion of the purchasing power of the retired people and pensioners»

Fraternal greetings to all those present at this meeting of retired people and pensioners, to the comrades who participate in their unitary structures who are here and to all those who saw fit to contribute to the various problems everyone faces, such as the increase in the cost of living, the low pensions and their erosion,  the fight for better public services and in defence of the NHS, among others. 

The Court of Auditors’ Audit Report on the management of Novo Banco confirms options that are harming the country in billions of euros

Since the scandalous handing of Novo Banco to the Lone Star fund, in 2017, the PCP has denounced the pernicious nature of the deal and the submission of the Portuguese Government to large economic groups and to the impositions of the European Union. The PCP opposed this deal, demanded its reversal and denounced the intention of favouring private interest over public interest, also alerting to the possibility that debts contracted during the pre- collapse of BES bank were being cleaned with public funding

National Demonstration by the CGTP-IN on July 7

A solidary presence to bring a greeting to these men and women and youth who are here to uphold their interests and rights, for the valorisation of their wages, for the respect of public services, namely the NHS and the public school, in a very difficult context in which the workers are witnessing a significant increase in the cost of living. We are deeply concerned because the PS Government and the Prime Minister during the Budget presentation said that inflation would be merely conjunctural.

«It is with great pleasure that we evoke and celebrate here, in his land, the writer of this vast and unique work of universal value that was José Saramago»

The roadmap of the initiatives celebrating the Centenary of the birth of José Saramago, Nobel Prize in Literature, under the motto “Universal writer, intellectual of April, communist militant ”, with which the PCP proposed to mark with its own programme and throughout the country, is a long one.

«In a war it is always the people who pay and the big economic groups are those who win»

In a dangerous world where there is so much conflict, from Palestine, to Syria, to Libya, to Yemen, to Ukraine, we believe that this is not the path to follow! War and confrontation and sanctions are not the path. It is the path of peace. That is what my presence here means. It is this desire that peace should prevail over war in the world, in relation to conflicts and with all the consequences that this entails. Because generally in a war it is always the people who pay and the big economic groups are those who win, as we are once again witnessing.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of June 5 and 6, 2022

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on June 5 and 6, 2022, addressed the developments in the national and international situation and the tasks of the Party. It decided to hold a National Conference of the PCP on November 12 and 13.

For peace! No to the instrumentalization of the Assembly of the Republic and the instigation of war

The PCP reaffirms its stand of upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law and condemning a whole path of interference, violence and confrontation, the 2014 coup d'état, promoted by the US in Ukraine, which established a xenophobic and warmongering power, the recent Russian military intervention in Ukraine and the heightening of the warmongering escalation by the US, NATO and the European Union.