National Issues

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of December 8, 2022

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on December 8, 2022, evaluated the developments of the national and international situation; adopted the Resolution on the Commemorations of the 50th. Anniversary of the 25th. of April; defined priorities for the intervention and strengthening of the Party, in order to implement the conclusions of the National Conference.

People want peace - European Parliament incites confrontation and war

The resolution of the European Parliament, named “Recognition of the Russian Federation as a State that sponsors terrorism”, is part of the policy of confrontation and war that has been promoted in Europe, aiming at its worsening and continuation.

On COP 27 – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Following the holding, in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, of COP 27 - Conference within the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the PCP salutes all those who fight in defence of the environment and nature, in particular the youth, who have mobilised to denounce an unfair system that has worsened environmental problems and has shown its incapacity to solve them.

«Let us mobilise ourselves and others against injustices, and turn them into strength to fight»

Here we are a week after our National Conference. An initiative of remarkable success by our party collective, where we discussed, decided on lines of work, showed unity, cohesion and a steadfast determination to respond to the increased and serious problems that workers and our people are facing today. A moment of great importance and affirmation of the principles and nature of our Party.

PCP stands in solidarity with Public Administration Workers

The PCP expressed today, in various parts of the country, its solidarity with the Public Administration workers who joined the National Strike, convened by the Common Front. It was an important day of struggle, with a very significant expression in various sectors, whose effects were particularly visible in the areas of healthcare and education, with closures and disruption of the functioning of many schools, local administration and other public services.

Constitution of the Portuguese Republic: comply the enshrined rights and project

What is relevant and decisive about the Constitution is its compliance. The constitutional amendment projects presented by PSD, IL and Chega prove that the constitutional amendment process is determined by the attack on the democratic regime and fundamental rights and by the objective of giving constitutional cover to right-wing policies, mutilating and subverting the Constitution.


Closing of the National Conference of the PCP

We are halfway through the National Conference. Following the preparatory phase and and the conclusions of the XXI Congress, reaffirming the communist identity, the class nature, objectives and principles, we involved the Party, we deepened the reflection, we built solutions, while at the same time that we encouraged and mobilised for the struggle, a struggle that was present here and that we salute.

On the election of Paulo Raimundo as General Secretary of the PCP

The most important body of the PCP is its Congress, which is made up of delegates elected from all Party organisations, in a very participatory and broad process, in which tens of thousands of militants discuss the analyses and guidelines for a period of four years.  Each delegate represents his organisation and takes its proposals to the Congress.

Opening of the National Conference of the PCP

Please allow me to begin by conveying warmest greetings to all of you and to the whole great party collective, the main builder and guarantor of the Party that we have and that we are. We are here to begin the proceedings of our National Conference. The intense preparatory work is behind, involving thousands of militants and practically all Party bodies, in hundreds of meetings, of elections and debates held throughout the country.