Statement PCP Central Committee

Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of October 15 and 16, 2023

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on October 15 and 16, 2023, analysed the national and international situation and the necessary responses to the problems of the workers, the people and the country. It pointed out the priority lines of intervention for the party collective.


I. International Situation

1. The evolution of the international situation continues to be characterised by great instability and uncertainty, in a context of a deepening structural crisis of capitalism and dangerous developments resulting from the escalation of confrontation by imperialism, the persistent struggle of workers and peoples and significant events in the process of rearrangement of forces on a global level.

There are growing signs of a slowdown in economic growth in the main capitalist powers and in other economically more developed countries, with an ever greater accumulation and concentration of wealth, increase in exploitation, attack on rights, deterioration of living conditions, increase in social injustices and inequalities, poverty and hunger, as well as the worsening of the situation in most developing countries.

In a context of increasing difficulties and contradictions and of submission to the US, the European Union insists on its neoliberal, militaristic and federalist policies, among other serious aspects, expressed by the increase in interest rates by the European Central Bank, by even more restrictive budgetary policies , by the liberalisation of new sectors, by the encouragement and support of war and increase of military expenditure.

The US, with its allies, particularly NATO, the EU, the United Kingdom and Japan, insist on their policy of interference and aggression, of pressure, blackmail and threats, of imposing sanctions and economic blockades, of promoting operations of destabilisation, coups d'état, provocations, promotion of the militarisation of international relations and the escalation of arms – targeting all countries that do not submit to its hegemonic rule.

It is urgent that the US, NATO and the EU stop instigating and feeding the war in Ukraine and obstructing the opening of paths of negotiation with all the players, particularly with the Russian Federation, with the aim of reaching a political solution to a conflict that has been going on for almost ten years. It is equally urgent to respond to the problems of collective security and disarmament in Europe and to comply with the principles of the UN Charter and the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference.

2. The worrying developments in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people are inseparable from decades of Israeli occupation and oppression. A policy exacerbated by Netanyahu's current far-right government, which has increased violence and provocation.

The Central Committee of the PCP distances itself and condemns, as always, violent actions that target populations and victimise innocent people.

The Central Committee of the PCP condemns Israel's escalation of war against the Palestinian people and, in particular, the indiscriminate bombings, the blockade and the threat of an even more cruel aggression against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, placing it between death or expulsion.

Denouncing imperialism’s great hypocrisy in the face of the Palestinian issue, the Central Committee of the PCP condemns the attempts to silence and prevent legitimate demonstrations of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

It warns of the danger of the conflict spreading, in a region so ravaged by decades of occupation, war and destabilisation by the US, Israel, NATO and the EU, who spread death and destruction and created millions of refugees throughout the whole Middle East.

Valuing the widespread expression of support for the just cause of the Palestinian people, the Central Committee of the PCP reaffirms the urgency of a political solution that guarantees the materialisation of the sovereign and independent State of Palestine, with the 1967 borders and capital in East Jerusalem, and the enforcement of the right of return of refugees, in accordance with UN resolutions. Peace in the Middle East demands respect for the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people.

3. The process of the rearrangement of forces at the global level continues, with expression in the development of bilateral and multilateral relations, articulations and cooperation between countries with very different paths and realities, but which converge, among other aspects, in the non-acceptance of dominance by imperialism. Constituting a positive trend in the evolution of the current international situation, which imperialism seeks to counter by all means, this process had important moments of affirmation, such as the recent BRICS Summit, held in South Africa.

The evolution of the situation in several countries, particularly in Africa, as well as the way in which recent multilateral forums took place, show that there are growing voices that affirm the need for a world free from the imposition of coercive measures, blackmail of the debt and dollar, looting of resources, unequal and neocolonial relations, as well as the demand for a new, more equitable international order, based on the sovereign equality of States, the right to development, mutually advantageous cooperation, among other important principles set down in the UN Charter and in international law.

A situation that highlights how much the Portuguese government's foreign policy of alignment and submission to imperialism, the US, NATO and the EU is contrary to the interests of the Portuguese people and the peoples of the world.

4. The development of the struggle of workers and peoples for their rights, interests and aspirations, for freedom, democracy, sovereignty and the right to development, on the path to building societies free from injustice and social inequalities, from exploitation and oppression assumes redoubled importance. Objectives inseparable from the struggle against fascism and war, in defence of peace, solidarity with those who resist imperialism, friendship and cooperation between the peoples of the world.

Aware of the dangers, but also of the potential that the current international situation holds, the PCP remains confident and committed to strengthening the international communist and revolutionary movement and to deepening its cooperation, reciprocal solidarity and unity in action, as well as strengthening a broad anti-imperialist front that confronts imperialism’s offensive and reinforces the struggle for a new international order based on peace, cooperation and social progress.


II. National Situation

1. Low wages represent a structural problem of the country, inseparable from the dominance and power of economic groups and multinationals, which are achieving colossal profits that contrast with the difficulties experienced by the vast majority of the population. A problem that the loss of purchasing power, as a result of the widespread increase in prices, the increase in interest rates and the serious extent of the housing problem, has heightened.

The country faces intolerable inequalities and brutal injustice in the distribution of the wealth that is created. This is the result of decades of right-wing policies imposed by PS, PSD and CDS, joined by Chega and IL, and of submission to the impositions of the EU and the euro and to the interests of imperialism. Faced with high levels of exploitation, devaluation of the productive apparatus, deterioration of public services, privatisations, lack of investment and the loss of important instruments of sovereignty, the country is increasingly subject to relationships of dependence and subordination that limit the response to problems – immediate and structural – and increasingly condition its development.

A path to serve the interests and goals of economic groups, at the expense of the workers, the people, broad strata and sectors, at the expense of the country itself. Interests that are, with each passing day, throwing Portugal and the lives of those who live and work here into a worrying situation.

The slowdown in economic growth, associated with the high dependence on the great powers and large economic groups, raises concerns about the near future. Submission to the euro conditions the evolution of the economic situation, pushing the country into periods of stagnation, such as those seen before 2015. The increase in interest rates, the announced prospect of maintaining them at high levels for a long period and the attempt to impose cuts in public spending and wage restraint in the name of fighting inflation, not only make the class nature of the EU at the service of big business even clearer, but also require a different response – in wages, investment and production – that the government does not want to give.

As a result of the increase in the prices of food, fuel and, increasingly, of housing, situations of hardship and impoverishment of workers, retirees and pensioners are increasing, in contrast to the accumulation and concentration of wealth of economic groups, who seek to go even further in exploitation, plundering resources and degrading public services.

A reality particularly visible due to the onslaught by economic groups in the business of disease, with the support of the government, on the National Health Service, but also in the ongoing path of degradation of Public Schools. The Public Administration is increasingly conditioned by the budgetary restrictions that the government imposes, by low wages and the attack on careers, and emptied of the workers necessary to provide the public service.

The absence for decades of investment in public housing, legislative changes that liberalised the sector, the speculative mechanisms associated with the interests of banks and real estate funds, resulted in a significant increase in prices, which worsened in the last year with the brutal rise in interest rates and rising rents.

The operations of big capital are under way with the aim of enhancing exploitation, squandering of public money and the attack on Social Security, such as the one carried out by the CIP, at the same time that the PS government favours even more the economic groups, clearly seen in the so-called «Incomes Agreement», signed with UGT, CCP, CTP and CAP.

Faced with this situation, and despite the existence of resources capable of responding to the country's problems, the government assumes three options - clearly visible in the State Budget proposal for 2024 - that serve the same class interests: limiting wages and pensions; restricting public spending and investment; handing resources and guaranteeing privileges for big capital.

2. On the agenda of big capital are the increase of exploitation and low wages, more benefits and tax advantages, the destruction of public and universal Social Security and the reduction of the Single Social Tax [Social Security Contribution], privatisations such as those of TAP, EFACEC or SATA International – Azores Airlines, extension of current and new Public-Private Partnerships, the dismantling of installed production capacity, the appropriation of EU funds, new business areas (health, transport, culture, heritage, environment), as well as the subordination of the so-called energy and digital transitions to their interests and profits.

An agenda where the action of the PS government and the intervention of PSD, CDS, Chega and IL converge and which, besides the economic and social dimension, also has a political dimension, with the growing confrontation between right-wing policies and values and achievements of April, freedom and democracy, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic. An agenda that is supported by an ideological offensive openly marked by the promotion of reactionary concepts and projects, by intolerance and hatred, and which has in anti-communism an undisguised class mark.

In addition to the apparent public confrontation between the PS government and the forces to its right, both accept subordination to the EU and the euro and the continuing loss of sovereignty; accept and promote the country's subordination to the strategy of confrontation, war and sanctions promoted by imperialism; place the interests of economic groups and multinationals ahead of the interests of the workers, the people and the country.

3. The PS government's policy does not serve the country and, insofar as defending the interests of economic groups, it is accompanied by PSD, CDS, Chega and IL. Workers, people, democrats and patriots are thus faced with an option that is defined today and that will mark the future: to maintain the command of national life in the hands of economic groups and their interests or face the challenge of a break with right-wing policies and build a patriotic, left-wing alternative.

Portugal needs a policy that tackles injustices and inequalities and aims for development and progress.

Instead of a policy aimed at guaranteeing profits for capital, the country has to accept higher wages and workers' rights as a condition and objective of development. Instead of low pensions, the country has to ensure the right to age with dignity. Instead of subordination to the impositions of the euro, the country has to reinforce public services and investment in health care, education, culture and sport. Instead of guaranteeing the interests of large real state, banking and speculation, the country has to guarantee the right to housing. Instead of privatisations, the country has to regain public control of strategic companies and sectors. Instead of instrumentalising environmental problems to promote even greater exploitation and predation of resources, the country needs measures that safeguard ecological balance and biodiversity, promote the use of public transport and energy efficiency, guarantee water as a public good. Instead of a policy that jeopardises the future, the country needs to comply with the Constitution, valuing the rights of workers, youth and children.

Portugal needs a policy that refuses to chain the country and subject it to dynamics that are contrary to its interests and development.

Instead of funnelling, Portugal needs to diversify its internal economic activity and its international relations. Instead of binding itself to the dominance of multinationals, the country needs to develop its productive capacity, take advantage of resources and put them at the service of the country, invest in scientific and technological development, replace imports with national production, support small and medium-sized companies and farmers. Instead of submitting to the EU's neoliberal, federalist and militarist pressures, Portugal needs to face such impositions, refuse new losses of sovereignty, the subordinate and peripheral character into which they want to put it. Instead of the path of war, confrontation and arms race promoted by the US, NATO and the EU, Portugal needs to place itself on the side of peace and cooperation among peoples.

A path that calls for, immediately, a general 15% increase in wages, of at least 150 euros, and ensures a progression of the national minimum wage that sets it at 910 euros in January and reaching 1000 euros in 2024; the increase in all pensions by 7.5%, aiming to recover purchasing power, with a minimum value of 70 euros; the repeal of grievous labour legislation norms, notably the expiry of collective bargaining and the reinstatement of the principle of more favourable treatment for workers; the regulation of prices of essential goods and services, in particular food, fuel and telecommunications; the regulation and reduction of the value of rents, and the determination that banking profits should support the increase in interest rates on housing loans; the creation of a public network of daycare centres; the attraction and retention of thousands of workers missing from public services and the strengthening of the NHS and Public Schools; more fiscal justice, reducing taxation on labour (IRS) and consumption (VAT), and ensuring the effective taxation of big capital (IRC); the extension of free public transport and an increase in its offer; the promotion of artistic creation and enjoyment and the guarantee of 1% of the State Budget for culture; fighting all types of discrimination; measures to safeguard and protect the environment and mitigation and adaption to climate change; the refusal of the ongoing privatisations and the recovery of public control of strategic companies and sectors; the defence of national production, support for small and medium-sized farmers and micro, small and medium-sized companies.

4. Strengthening the PCP is decisive to improve the lives of the workers and people, to improve rights and to defend national interests. It is in the strengthening of the PCP, its social, political and electoral influence and in the intensification and expansion of the mass struggle that lies the key to the path the country needs.

Today it is clear that replacing PS with PSD (with or without CDS and its surrogates Chega and IL), or with other false solutions, is not a solution. The path the country needs requires the strengthening of the PCP, a driving force for alternative policies and a promoter of convergence between democrats and patriots.

An objective that must be increasingly assumed by all those truly interested and benefiting from the change that is required.

A possible path, as demonstrated every day in the confidence and joy with which thousands of people engage in processes of struggle, achieve results and strengthen their unity.

5. The result of the CDU in the elections for the Regional Legislative Assembly of Madeira, translated into the reinforcement of its vote – with a 50% increase in its electoral expression and 1100 more votes than in 2019 – and the confirmation of its parliamentary representation, is of undeniable political value and meaning. A result that, denying opinion polls and omens of decay, is all the more important since it was obtained under a scandalous silencing and an intense misrepresentation and falsification of positions, aimed at feeding prejudices and reduce the space for growth that the CDU's recognised action in defence of the workers and the people justified.

The failure to obtain an absolute majority by the PSD/CDS coalition is a relevant element of these elections, even if it does not mean the interruption of the policy of exploitation and impoverishment that PSD and CDS, now with the support of the PAN, are preparing to pursue.

6. With the nearing of the elections for the European Parliament and in the face of EU policies and impositions, Portugal needs to ensure the defence of the national interests, of the workers and people, demand reparation for the negative impacts on agriculture, fisheries and industry, insist on denouncing the options that serve the interests of the directorate of great powers and multinationals, mobilise all means, resources and possibilities in favour of Portugal and the well-being of the people, which demands more strength for the CDU to guarantee voices that are firm and committed to the values of April, as has been the case with its MPs in the European Parliament.


III. Development of the Mass Struggle

The dimension, diversity and dynamics of the mass struggle that has been developing for many months, marks and conditions the national reality in an impressive way.

The Central Committee of the PCP, highlighting the value and importance of mass struggle to face the offensive against rights and living conditions and to transform reality, stresses the role of workers' struggle with hundreds of actions in companies and workplaces, in defence of higher wages, rights, working conditions, shorter working hours and combating precariousness.

The participation of many thousands of workers in this multiplicity of actions, in the public and private sectors, carried out even during the summer period and with the participation of new sectors, faces the repressive and persecutory action of employers, achieving, in many cases, results, including real wage increases.

To be highlighted are the actions in the sectors of health care, education, central and local Public Administration, in the State business sector, in waste collection, in the media, in the hospitality industry, in the social sector, in large retail, in the food, energy, metallurgy, electrical and electronic equipment, chemical, mining and cork industry, transport, cleaning and other companies providing services, in aviation or culture.

The Central Committee of the PCP values particularly the National Day of Struggle in defence of the NHS, promoted by CGTP-IN, on September 16, with actions that involved thousands of people across the country, demanding the reinforcement of public investment and the valorisation of its professionals. It also values the action of retired people, pensioners and the elderly, promoted by MURPI, for the increase in pensions, the various initiatives in defence of public services, the right to housing, with the participation of thousands of people, in the actions carried out on September 30, as well as the 24th. National Meeting of Workers' Committees held on October 13 and the demonstration that followed.

It values the initiatives for peace and solidarity that have been carried out in Portugal, including the great action of solidarity with Cuba, with the participation of Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of the Republic of Cuba, and calls for the continuation of actions in defence of peace, against fascism and war, in particular in actions for peace in the Middle East and for the rights of the Palestinian people

The Central Committee of the PCP calls for the workers' struggle to intensify, with concrete and specific demands in each company and workplace, with the definition - with the involvement of workers - of claiming lists demanding an increase in wages, the regulation and reduction of working hours, the end of precariousness, the defence and expansion of rights. A struggle that, with demands, promotes unity in action of all workers, particularly young people, women and immigrants. A fight that is inseparable from the demand for the elimination of grievous norms in labour legislation, namely the expiry of collective bargaining and the reinstatement of the principle of more favourable treatment for workers.

It also calls for participation in the struggles already scheduled, among which stands out the action decided by CGTP-IN under the motto “General Struggle for an Increase in Wages”, taking place from the 25th. of October, in companies, workplaces and sectors. It particularly calls for participation in the national demonstration "For the Increase in Wages, Against the Increase in the Cost of Living", to be held on November 11 in Lisbon and Porto, also called by CGTP-IN.

A struggle that will have to continue to save the NHS, to defend free and quality public schools, to valorise public services, to claim everyone's right to housing, mobility, transport, culture, in defence of the environment and ecological balance, the specific interests of young people, women, pensioners and retirees, immigrants, small and medium-sized farmers and entrepreneurs.


IV. Intervention and strengthening of the Party

The Central Committee of the PCP salutes the militants of the PCP and JCP, their militancy and intervention, promoting intense activity, implementing the conclusions of the National Conference, focused on the problems and aspirations of the workers and people, in combating right-wing policies, in the affirmation of a patriotic and left-wing alternative, the values of April, the communist ideal and project, in the strengthening of the Party.

We highlight initiatives in priority areas, the contribution to the struggles developed, the action of the Parliamentary Group in the Assembly of the Republic and the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the MPs in the European Parliament and those elected in Local Government, as well as the intervention to comply with the Constitution and the rights it enshrines.

We have to highlight the success of the Avante! Festival, a great event that demonstrated its potential and capacity to attract and expand, confirming it as a political and cultural initiative without parallel in our country, with a large dimension, highlighted by the participation of the youth, an important cultural and sporting expression, of affirmation of confidence, joy, partying, peace and internationalist solidarity. A success that begins and projects the preparation of the 48th. edition of the Avante! Festival, which will take place on September 6, 7 and 9, 2024.

We value the result achieved by the CDU in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, inseparable from the recognition of the value of intervention, both in the Regional Parliament and in the many struggles, in companies and townships. An intervention that shows the importance and need for a style of work focused on close connection with the masses, taking the initiative on the aspirations and concrete problems of the population. A decisive intervention to overcome prejudices, resist and move forward.

The Central Committee of the PCP highlights the decisive role of the Party in the current national and international framework, as an instrument at the service of the workers and the masses, to face the enormous challenges of today and tomorrow.

It points out the importance of political initiative and intervention, of encouraging the struggle of workers and popular masses, of working to strengthen unitary mass organisations, of developing actions with other democrats and patriots and of strengthening the Party.

The Central Committee of the PCP highlights the fields of political intervention to be developed:

- the development of a national action under the motto “It's time to increase wages and pensions” to increase wages and pensions, for the right to health care and housing, in defence of public services, free daycare for all children, for sovereignty and development, for a better future, to be carried out through contact with workers and populations and leading them to make a stand, aiming to collect 100 thousand signatures, starting on November 14 and culminating in March 2024;

- the promotion of an intervention with the population on local problems and aspirations: access to public services, daycare centres and schools, facilities for the elderly, right to transport, environmental protection, civil protection (namely with the National Meeting scheduled for October 28), among others. This intervention, which includes the national roadmap for proposing and fighting for the right to housing and a set of actions in defence and strengthening of the NHS, with public forums with populations across the country, is framed by the perspective and confidence of the motto “Live better in our land”.

- the fight against privatisations, particularly TAP, the reinforcement of investment in infrastructure, equipment and national production, the rights of youth, the valorisation of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and the defence of peace and solidarity;

- the celebration of the 110th. anniversary of the birth of Álvaro Cunhal, with a programme of initiatives that include the launching of the VII Volume of Chosen Works;

- the celebrations of the 50th. anniversary of the 25th. of April, under the motto “April is more future”, which includes the seminar on November 18, developing the party initiative and stimulating unitary action, which contribute to the affirmation of the values of April, its achievements and topicality;

- the preparation of the elections for the European Parliament, which will take place on June 9, 2024, ensuring accountability and affirming a commitment to intervention and struggle, with the aim of expanding the CDU and ensuring its electoral reinforcement , to continue the remarkable work of defending the interests of the workers, the people and the country, progress, national sovereignty and independence and to affirm the need and possibility of a break with the course of inequality, dependence and national abdication imposed on the Country, face, without hesitation, the submission to the euro and the impositions and conditions of the European Union and defend a Europe of peace and cooperation.

The Central Committee of the PCP values the steps taken and highlights the need to continue the work of strengthening the Party.

Highlights include: making new cadres responsible for regular tasks and Party organisations, with the objective of 1000 new responsibilities, including of new militants, and political and ideological training activities; strengthening the organisation and intervention among workers in companies and workplaces, creating and enlivening cells, highlighting and monitoring new leaders, focusing their action on the problems, organisation, unity and struggle of workers; the encouragement of discussion and the adoption of measures at all levels regarding the work of communication, information and propaganda, which includes on November 25 meeting of cadres under the motto “Party’s communication, inform, mobilise, transform ” and the national dissemination campaign of Avante!, running until May 2024.

We have to stress the importance of other aspects of strengthening the Party, such as recruitment; the development of local organisations, in particular mass work; organisation and action with specific social strata and sectors, particularly youth and support for JCP; guaranteeing the Party's financial independence, with initiative and rigour, highlighting the regular payment and increase of dues, actions and measures to collect funds, and control expenses.


The country's situation, its international framework, its future, highlight the urgency of a break with right-wing policies and a path towards development, sovereignty and social progress. While calling for decisive action with the workers and popular masses to achieve this path, the PCP is at the forefront of this objective, for rights, for a patriotic and left-wing alternative, for an advanced democracy with the values of April in the future of Portugal, for socialism and communism.


  • PCP
  • Central