"Winds of war"

Translated "Avante!"article by Jorge Cadima, member of the International Department

The Arab world rebellions infer, and therefore aggravate, the huge global capitalism crisis. One of the North-American imperialism pillars - its control over the Middle East energetic resources, is being deeply shaken. Imperialism invests all its arsenal to secure the events, or direct them towards “acceptable” purposes. And seeks to resume the initiative.

It is under this point of view, one must analyse imperialism’s action on what regards Libya. The official and mediatised reactions are clearly different from the indicated on Tunisia’s and Egypt’s cases. There are no cautious analyses on “ orderly transitions”. The “Islamic fundamentalism menace ” is inexistent. The propaganda and disinformation machine came on the scene, which precede the imperialist political and military interventions. In only a week, one revived the fake stories of the “3 thousand casualties in Timisoara”, “ the pulled out babies from incubators by Saddam’s soldiers, in Kuwait, the “ Albanian, - Kosovar genocide“, the “mass destruction weapons”. The British Foreign Office ran into the diplomacy (and provocation) annals on declaring to have information that Kadafi was on his way to Venezuela. Imperialism, responsible for hundreds of thousand dead, alone during the last years’ wars, sheds crocodile tears for the Libyan regime repression casualties, opening its way unto a new crime.

It’s a long time since the Libyan regime was known by its anti-imperialism. For many years, economic, together with political and intelligence collaboration with imperialist powers, prevails. Currently, Kadafi collects enemies among progressive forces within the Arab world and the Middle East. But his collaboration with imperialism does not avoid him to be sacrificed. Imperialist interference - in progress - is not only the result from the huge existent energetic resources in Libya, which detains the greatest oil reserves within Africa. They are also the imperialism attempt to resume the initiative, settling down militarily in a country with Egypt and Tunisia as borders, launching a warning to other popular rebellions in progress within the Arab world (from Yemen unto Bahrain, the see of the North-American V Naval Squadron), relieving the pressure over its allies in danger ( therefore the Al Jazeera’s and Al Arabya’s enthusiasm towards Libya), beginning by Saudi Arabia, one of the pro-USA most barbaric dictatorship and a central clue of the region’s imperialist domination, a promoter centre of the most backward and reactionary fundamentalism, but always spared by the “commentators” in duty. And, who knows, to finally, find a see in Africa for the AFRICOM… The media has made a great fuss over the British prime-minister’s visit to Cairo, “ the first following Mubarak’s fall”. But it ought to be a last minute combination in a trip to” the non-democratic Gulf states, accompanied by eight of the main British weapon producers”. Simultaneously, “ the British Minister of Defence is visiting he region’s greatest weapon fair, in Abu Dhabi, where 93 other British companies promote their products” (in The Guardian, 11.02.21). The profits hand-in-hand with the support of their servile.

Being the sign of times, the main political commentator of the British conservative Daily Telegraph writes (in 11.02.24): “ Empires might collapse in the course of a generation […]. Currently, it is reasonable to ask if the USA, apparently invincible for a decade, will not follow this path. America has suffered two deep attempts, in the last three years. The 2008 financial crisis was the first, which consequences, in reality, haven’t yet been felt […]. Now, in 2011, it seems many of the regimes within the Arab world at America‘s service, will fall. Probably, the events will not follow the clean course, desired by the White House[…]. The great question is in knowing if America will accept its status diminishing with gracefulness, or instead, will respond with violence, just as the troubled empires have an historical tendency to do.”. The current events are answering the question. It is up to the peoples to hinder the North-American and European imperialism to sink Humanity in this catastrophe, throughout its inevitable historical decline.

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