By Pedro Guerreiro

"With the Bolivarian Revolution"

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department

As currently highlighted, it ought to be a mistake to minimize the significance and reach of Obama’s announcement that Venezuela represents an “ unusual and extraordinary threat to the USA’s national security and external policy”.

Obama’s serious statement cannot cease from being understood as a clear recognition by the USA of its interference regarding the Venezuela Bolivarian Republic and as a sign of new and more dangerous developments concerning this issue. A statement which is a warning to all those who misunderstand imperialism’s nature and intentions and its ambition of recuperating the domain over its so-called “backyard”, in other words, Latin America.

But the statement and its new sanctions now publicized by the USA equally represent a notorious sign of the difficulties it has been confronted with in the achievement of its coup plans against the Bolivarian Revolution, along with the Venezuela government and Nicolas Maduro, its president.

Difficulties which are the result of workers and the people of Venezuela, the revolutionary and patriotic forces, the armed forces, the government and the president of Venezuela resistance, mobilization and determination before the successive coup attempts, the large economic and political destabilization manoeuvres, unto imperialist interference.

Washington is being moved by anti-democratic forces, including the far right-wing and the Fascist pro-military, and all their conspiring and criminal acts within Venezuela are not to remain unpunished

before the defence measures of the Venezuela Bolivarian Republic sovereignty and integrity, carried out by the country’s legitimate authorities.

What disturbs Washington is that the Venezuelan people and government uphold before the economic war, the systematic media lies, violence and destruction, terrorist acts, anti-democrat and coup actions, the democratic rights, liberties and guarantees disrespect and violation.

Obama’s statements represent not but a direct threat to Venezuela, as to all the countries and peoples which, within Latin America and the Caribbean affirm and defend their sovereignty and national independence, their right to make decisions on their future and choose developments and cooperation paths, free from the North-American imperialism domain. Alternatives of affirmation on sovereign, solidary, socially guided and equitable development and cooperation, and to which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and socialist Cuba bestow a strong contribution.

Gigantic challenges are presented before the Bolivarian Revolution. As what occurred with president Hugo Cháves election, in 1998, and along the last 16 years, the workers and the people of Venezuela, in the unity and staunchness of the revolutionary and patriotic forces – together at the Patriotic Great Polo – and the deepening of the civic – military alliance on which depends imperialism plans and action defeat, overpassing the difficulties, problems and insufficiencies, the conquests and achievements defence and accomplishment by the Bolivarian Revolution and its deepening.

This is a moment of imperious and unequivocal denouncing and condemnation of the plans and interference of the USA imperialism and its allies within the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the expression of solidarity towards the people and the Bolivarian Revolution, together with the Venezuela revolutionary and patriotic forces, the Bolivarian government and Nicolas Maduro, its president. The communists, workers and the Portuguese people’s solidarity will not fail!

Original version in Avante!

  • Articles and Interviews
  • Chronic International
  • Bolivarian Revolution
  • Cuba
  • Venezuela
  • War