"Terrorism made in the USA"

Translated "Avante!" article by Rui Paz, collaborator of the PCP International Department

Obama’s administration announced the USA had succeeded avoiding a bomb attempt against a commercial plane, on the 7th May last. The following day, Hillary Clinton accused the “terrorists” of using “ perverse and terrible methods” and trying to “kill innocent people”. But a few hours later, it was revealed that the “terrible” killing of innocents’ plan originated from the CIA and ought to have been executed by one of its collaborators. It is not the first and foremost time that Washington states to have triggered terrorism acts in which the perpetrators and executors have liaisons with the North American intelligence. Since president Jimmy Carter signed down the secret support to the mudjaedines directive, within Afghanistan (Brezinski) on the 3rd July 1979, the North American administration and its Saudi allies begun working with terrorist groups , such as Bin Laden’s. In the future, one of the historians’ greatest difficulties in analysing facts in the last four decades, will be how to find out Washington’contribution for the creation and spreading of the international terrorism phenomenon. As one has, once more, assisted to the dreadful explosions in Damascus, on the 10th May , which killed tenths of Syrians, these terrorism acts share the same imperialism interventionist strategy in the region. Which is the CIA members and infiltrated collaborators together with other Western powers’ allies intelligence, in these terrorist massacres? Unto where certain organizations, already under partial or total imperialism control intervene actively in the spurring of ethnic and religious conflicts among Xiites and Sunnites, with the purpose of setting up chaos, divide to reign or weaken regimes and governments, which to not surrender unto Western interests? One ought to recall the FBI’s recent lie on the Iran intelligence attempt against the Saudi Arabia ambassador in Washington, having the State Department produced the mailing of official communications to embassies world-wide. Intelligence and the North American administration, visibly work together in order to cheat public opinion.

In the September 11 commission’s final report, in 2001, the Balkan terrorist component is but referred a few times amid a total of 567 pages, notwithstanding having had a major role in the New York attempts. According to Jurgen Elsasser, the author of “ How Djihad reached Europe”, the reason is simple: “ Bin Laden’s friends in the Balkans were on the CIA pay-list”. Due to the speed of how certain terrorist forces and groups change from allies unto USA and NATO’s enemies, and vice-versa, Bin Laden’s murder and of other elements, officially introduced as presumable or declared USA’s opponents, has, in fact, the purpose of “fighting terrorism”, as officially stated by the North American administration or to silence the liaisons and collaboration traces among the Pentagon, CIA and certain bombing groups which interests coincided or meet with Washington?

It is totally necessary that an institution such as the UN pronounces itself against the non-judged murderers by a State that entitles itself as “lawful”.
Therefore, one runs the risk of assisting to the barbarity institutionalizing together with the accomplishment and coverage of an international organization which, according to its Charter ought to preserve the international law rules and the civilization achievements.

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