Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly works proceed, gathering the participation of about 150 heads of state and government. The session in progress is particularly significant, not only owing to the current delicate moment, attacking the workers and peoples rights, tensions exacerbation, destabilization of vast regions of the globe – highlighting the Middle East situation – and the continuous threats escalating placed to worldwide security and peace. But as well, the UN ‘s foundation 70th year celebration and the UN Charter implementation. One ought to remember that the UN principles consecration along with the new international order, pointing out the rule of peace and social progress, are inseparable marks of the Victory over the Nazi-Fascism during World War II, together with the Soviet Union’s role and decisive contribution. Imperialism knows it and in result Bush stampeded against the Yalta Agreements (1945), in 2005, claiming out for “ a new freedom international order”.
One knows what kind of order was this. A world subjected to the law of the strong, the transnational monopolistic capital orders, and an “American Pax”, the UN Charter and the International Law constitutional principles unrecognizable and definitely buried. One equally knows that the hegemony insane projects and the pretentions to “ exceptionalism” do not constitute but a delirium or a dazzle act before the dramatic changes within the world force correlation during the last quarter of the century, but, above all, an evidence of the growing desperation before the slow, but inexorable trajectory of economic decline of the greatest imperialist power and the incapable explanation of the dominant system contradictions.
Currently, the courier assault against peoples sovereignty, the stepping on the UN Charter and the tri-repudiate on International Law proceeds with a special stubbornness and versatility. With other performers and identical objectives. Hollande’s France announced the taking place of the first aerial bombardment, last Sunday, supposedly, against the so-called Islamic State, in Syria’s territory, following the great USA example. The same who created conditions for the ISIS eruption and arm terrorist groups, currently act in the name of the “combat” by default of states, and which sovereignty is violated and weakened by aggression and war. The Paris terrorist act, justified with hypocrazy as a “self-defence action” had the just condemnation from Damascus’ government. Russia mentions an action of international law liquidation.
2015 is as well the year that achieves the established poverty and inequalities dead-line date for
the United Nations Millennium Development Objectives programme and the ambitious Objectives for Sustainable Development for 2030 were advocated. Although there exist partial advances, the whole of the Millennium goals was not achieved. Throughout the world, there exist almost three thousand million poor human beings. Social inequalities spread, inclusively, in “ capitalist centre” countries. There are near 800 million illiterate adults. As Raul Castro said in his statement, the weapon run absorbs 1.7 billion dollars per year and the United Nations has not done the sufficient to protect the world from the war scourge and guarantee the right to sustainable development. Evo Morales underlined that the capitalist domination is incompatible with the decrease of poverty and inequalities.
Some consider no sense in invoking the UN Charter and international law, before its instrumentalizing and abasement. But the imperious struggle against militarism and war, for peace and social progress exists within the UN, in the defence of its Charter and the organization democratization. A struggle, not estranged from the peoples rights’ demands and – within our country – the combat in the defence of the embodied values in the April Constitution. By passing by the necessary penalization of the responsible parties for its continuous de-characterizing, in October 4th.