Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department
An IMF October last report, with the suggestive title “World Economy Perspectives: consequences, threats and uncertainties”, confirms the evidence:” The world recuperation rhyme has been disappointing for the last years. With a weaker world growth than expected (…) and a deepening
of the decrease risks, it is possible that the designed growth recuperation will hardly take place (…) “. And, in another passage, one can read : ”The geo-political disorders have deepened. Currently, their macroeconomic effects seem to be limited(…), but there exist tangible risks of general disorders”.
Needless to say, that nothing on this diagnosis can make the anachronic Bretton Woods Institute change the prescription and the modus operandi, abdicating from the class fury and diktat, which carry on leading the patient towards its terminal state. As far as one can see – and looking on to the capitalism structural crisis progression and the global disorder causing alarming violence and international instability – amid the great capital supporters, one ought to conclude, that for a long time, “ that times are not for concessions”.
Amid this urgent and dark background, one ought to place the paradigmatic signals that come from the central powers from the so-called triad, the USA, EU and Japan.
The imperialist superpower, side-by-side with the irremediable debt weight and the aggravation of the internal (home) contradictions and situation, more of the same persists – parasitism, arrogance, blackmail and a renovated feeling for interventionism and aggression. Obama has just signed a decree on prolonging the war in Afghanistan, unto 2017, breaking up the promises of a withdrawal troops until the end of the year. In Iraq, upon the so-acclaimed and brief military withdrawal in 2011, the “Islamic State”, which has counted with the imperialism wide benevolence and conniving action, is currently the pretext for the deep re-launching of the military agenda, including the return of the ground troops. In November last, Obama himself, who had promised to close up the torture centre in Guantanamo military base, six years ago, maintained within an occupied territory of Cuba, authorized the commitment of more 1500 soldiers, duplicating the Pentagon contingent, operating in the Tiger and Euphrates country. The “ endless war” against terror, gives place to the “long-term” combat, possibly, against the Islamic fundamentalism supporters. But the domain over Syria and Iran, along with the vital region control of the Middle East, Central Asia and both the destinies and conservation of the dollar hegemonic role, are also decisively in dispute in the region.
Symptomatic indeed of the wild winds that blow , and recalling Vitorino Nemesio, in “ bad weather throughout the world”, is the nature of the vote on the approved resolution in the United Nations Assembly, in November 17th last, in rejection of “ the glorification of Nazism and Neo-Nazism”, and other practises which include ”racism”, “racial discrimination” and “xenophobia”. Under the dominant media heavy silence, 115 countries approved this most opportune resolution, including Byelorussia and the Russian Federation, among the main promoters, whilst three voted against – USA, Canada and Ukraine – and a number of 55 states abstained! A group where Germany is included and the whole EU herd (Portugal included), besides countries like Japan, Turkey or Australia. An instructive vote, as, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazi – Fascism and at the time when Kiev’s nationalist and pro-Fascist regime, nurtured by NATO’s strategic interests, does not stop the destructive war in the Donbass and reinforces the self-proclaimed republics blockade. And promises to alter the Constitution, in order to require its adherence to NATO.