Translated "Avante!" article by Ângelo Alves, Member of the PCP Political Committee and of the International Department
As the PCP alerted, the Paris’ events are being used by the most reactionary sectors, the main imperialist powers and the EU, in order to push forward what they have wanted for a long time. Supported by a paranoiac security, of islamophobic nature, the right-wing and social democracy are together in order to adopt a set of measures, which ignore individual and collective freedoms, democracy and popular participation and open up the space for the far right-wing. At the same time paranoia is instigated, and in what concerns the ideological level, the Machiavelli choc of nations theory, advances. In the midst and silently, “left-wing extremisms” are mentioned. Meanwhile, in London, a nurse is suspended for praying for a Muslim colleague and throughout Europe, right-wing demonstrations against religious and immigrant minorities, multiply.
The European Big Brother has started, and the Europe fortress becomes stronger. “The enemy is among us”, all of us are potential “Jihadists”. Therefore, one’s movements, trips, purchases, actions, opinions are to be “monitored” by our “security” “guardians”, which will accumulate the power of decision of when and how the troops will go out on the streets, in order to “ guarantee” our “tranquillity”. The European Union is submerged in fear, pushed unto racism and intolerance, and torn apart by a deep social and economic crisis. A reality which is submersed in an immense misinformation and ideological conditioning, hindering one is being victim of “European” and “Atlantic” policies which call upon hatred, war, conflict and division – in Syria, Libya, Iraq …or even in Ukraine, where the Kiev army bombs fiercely its own people, in Donetsk. And all in the name of “ Western democracy values” and the proclaimed “ expression and media freedom”.
This is the “Europe”, in decay, in crisis, within which, fear and blackmail are the domain weapons, that ought to be judged in the elections, in Greece, next Sunday. An economically destroyed country, asphyxiated by an imposed debt, sold out in pieces and at a low price, to the great foreign capital, totally subdued to its “creditors” and owners dictates, with a suffering people from social wounds, dignity and sovereignty – this is the country that will undertake elections, on Sunday. A wounded and massacrated people, but also a people that , for a decade, has performed huge social and mass struggles, for which the Greek trade-union movement and the communists have given and currently give their decisive contribution.
The popular desire for a change and refusal, concerning the PASOK, New Democracy, Troika and European Union policies, is in evidence. And that in its own, is a victory for Greece, inseparable from the popular struggle. And a defeat for the European Union – of the capital and fear. The people of Greece are proving great courage, desire of change and belief in a substantive real change. And for all this, the “owners of all this”, are nervous, and launched a dirty campaign of blackmail and pressures against the people of Greece’s freedom of expression and decision. As always, people’s freedom jeopardizes “freedom” to command, exploit and oppress. It is for the Greek political forces to interpret and respect this deep feeling , issued from the struggle, an exclusive people’s property. Because, as in Portugal, only but the people and their struggle ought to operate the necessary ruptures in order to Greece bread freedom, justice, dignity, development, progress and sovereignty. Time in Greece and in Europe is not of half-truths and much less of new arrangements for the same recipes. It is the time to build a new future, which demands ruptures, courage, verticality and straightforwardness. And shall not tolerate mistakes nor disillusions.