"Syria is at war"

Translated "Avante!" article by Angelo Alves, Member of the Political Committee and of the International Department

The people of Syria are living dramatic days. The fights have reached the major towns in the country, first Damascus and then Alepo, Syria’s economic capital. Along the Jordan borders, tens of thousand mercenaries (40 to 60 thousand during the last days, according to some sources) recruited in Libya and Afghanistan, among other countries, many of them belonging to terrorist groups. The entry of armament in the country carries on and has been intensifying, namely heavy armament as anti - tank and firing grenade-launch weapons supplied by NATO, through Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council dictator monarchies. The groups, armed and financed from the exterior, by a terror colligation under the USA, France and Germany’s leadership, monitored by Turkey and financed by Qatar and Saudi-Arabia, attempt to hold positions along boarder posts in order to facilitate the entry of more armament and men. It is more and more difficult to hinder the presence of British and French agents on the field and the CIA agents train and select the men who, coming from training camps in Turkey, are infiltrated within the country. The Israeli army reinforces its positions and action from the Golan mountains and threats are directed against the Syrian government. The “rebels” demand the UN Security Council to give the go-ahead so that the bombs begin falling on the people they say they defend. Russia and China , in a notable resistance to pressures and in defence against of what they know to be a project which touches their own security and sovereignty, blockade direct aggression war legitimacy within the diplomatic field.

Last week’s terrorist attempt against the Syrian national security headquarters, which killed three high Syrian government leaders, including Daud Rajha, the minister of Defence, shows how far the so-called Syrian free army and the imperialist powers involved in the project of submitting Syria, are able to go. The official version of the events points out towards a suicidal attempt, but news spreads on the possibility of a drone aerial attack, USA non-piloted planes which are killing hundreds of civilians in Yemen and Pakistan. If this version is confirmed, one is before a real proof of the USA’s stage of involvement, alias, according to the last days actions, such as the Syria Al-Dounia channel satellite channel blockade or the piracy action by the CIA, under the Twitter responsibility, in this same channel.

Syria is at war, that is the plain truth. A war built on the field for over a year, planned along the Pentagon’s corridors since Bush’s administration times, financed years ago by a criminal chain of financing and interference of millions of dollars which supported politic mercenaries, Washington’s and NATO’s puppets, which currently belong to the Syrian National Council. The ones who parade during the Bilderberg Club meetings, live comfortably in Paris ( such as Rami Abdel Rahman, the Syrian Human Rights Watch wicked face). The country that ignored ethnic or sectary conflicts during decades; the country in which, Xiittes, Sunnites, Aleuts, Druses, Kurds and Christians live peacefully together; the country in which both the Islamic and Christian religions coexist peacefully within one of the few Arab secular states in the world, this same country, as one of the few stability elements within the Middle East tumultuous region, was driven by imperialism unto a war based on the incitement to sectarian violence, which might condemn the people of Syria to years, if not decades, of war and might provoke the explosion of a regional war which, owing to the internationalization to which it is subjected, might result in a unknown dimension conflict.

But not all is inevitable. Operation Damascus Volcano resulted in a huge military defeat for the “rebels” and the Syrian army resumes its control in several zones. It is the people of Syria’s struggle for its sovereignty, and incredibly, given the fighting violence, for Peace within the Middle East and the World.

  • Chronic International
  • Syria
  • War