1. In reaffirming its clear-cut condemnation of yesterday's terrorist attacks in the United States and renewing its feelings of respect for the pain and mourning of the families of the victims and of the American people, the PCP considers it its duty to emphatically draw attention to the obvious looming dangers of a worsening of international tension and of the world situation.
2. In effect, the statements by President Bush and other members of his Administration, as well as those by other heads of Government of NATO member countries indicate the clear intention of, under the pretext of fighting terrorism - which in some cases is led by former US allies and stooges - stepping up and heightening arbitrary and aggressive policies in international relations which are hostile to the rights of peoples and the sovereignty of nations, which violate the United Nations' Charter and International Law, are based on a permanent resort to force, on financial domination, on an unjust world economic order and are geared towards a new arms race.
3. To the already sufficient condemnation of terrorism (be it carried out by groups or factions, or by States) for reasons of principle, it is legitimate to add a condemnation for political reasons, since it serves precisely as a pretext for the US Administration to discredit and diminish support for the just struggles of peoples, to cover up the long list of crimes and aggressions committed by the USA and its allies in actions which are an affront to the UN Charter (recall the many thousands of deaths from the attacks against Iraq, Yugoslavia, the Palestinian people), to legitimize the role of the United States as masters and policemen of the world.
4. Faced with the immense dangers of a deterioration in the world situation, in the context of the political, ideological and military exploitation of yesterday's attacks, the PCP considers it indispensable to undertake a strong and determined mobilization of world public opinion and to ensure a responsible attitude by States and Governments in putting an end to the spiral of violence and concentrating efforts on the political solution of problems and conflicts which are prominently contributing to the current international tension.