The PCP expresses its disagreement over the government's decision to allow the USA to use the Lages Base for the military actions, which that country is preparing.
The PCP considers that this permission, probably granted without any concrete information on the types of military actions and the objectives they will serve, is incompatible with any elementary sense of our country's national dignity and political autonomy.
The PCP registers that a few days ago the Prime Minister spoke about "bellicose hysteria", against "imaginary enemies", but his government has just granted the use of the Lages Base without any guaranty that this use will not take place under the very guideline from which he rightly distanced.
The PCP stresses that, in this tense and serious conjuncture, it was the duty of the Portuguese government not to associate Portugal to projects, which are contrary to its interests, and should contribute to put an end to the spiral of violence and threats to international security.