"Obscene lies"

Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

When summer ended, president Obama announced his decision of attacking Syria, accusing its government of a chemical weapon attack. Obama’ s speech (on the 2013.09.10) had no place for doubts: “on the 21st August […] Assad’s government killed a thousand people using gas, including hundreds of children. […] One is aware that Assad’s regime is responsible”. Kerry, the minister of Foreign Affairs, presented many “proof” details. The regime’s media was under “war frenzy” and the “socialist” Hollande, actually gave orders to begin the attack on the dawn of September 1st ( in Nouvel Observateur, 2013.09.29). An (unfinished) version B of the Bush, Blair and Barroso’s soap.

Two North-American experts, Postol (from the MIT) and Lloyd ( a UN weapon ex-inspector) currently state ( in a report from 2014.01.14) that [sarin nerve gas] was not possible to have been discharged from the Syrian government controlled zone, pointed out in the intelligence map, published by the White House in August 30th 2013”. At the same time, the German official news channel, the Deutsche Welle announces the study and adds (in 2014.01.18): “ this conclusion is not entirely new. A month ago, Ake Sellstrom, a UN weapon inspector, also questioned the USA version on the atrocity”. The Russian RT channel (in 2014.01.16) quotes Postol: “ when I begun this process, my opinion was that only the Syrian government ought to be behind this attack. But currently I am not certain about anything. The government’s narrative [USA] not even approaches reality”. Not imputing responsibilities on the attack, Lloyd adds:” the rebels have certainly the capacity to create this type of weapons, maybe more than the Syrian government itself”. Seymour Hersh, the famous journalist who denounced the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam war: “ the Syrian army is not the only party amid the country’s civil war that has an access to the sarin gas”, ( in the London Review of Books, on 2013.12.19).

In order to avoid a Hollande- Obama attack, the Syrian government accepted an “agreement” which imposed its unilateral chemical weapons disarmament, omitting the “rebels” and their multiple external godparents, or its Israeli neighbour ( to defend itself from the regime which detained the chemical weapons). But the chemical disarmament process itself, in which Paulo Portas wished to involve our country, is an obscene saga. The bellicose powers, always prepared for military attacks, want to wash their hands from the process. The weapons have been loaded and carried unto the Syrian port of Latakia by the Syrian army with Russian aid. The sea transport from Syria is ensured by Nordic countries, Russia and China. But none of the countries have agreed to house and destroy these weapons amid their territory: France, Belgium and Norway have refused. In November last, Albania was mentioned! Upon days of street protests, the always docile Albanese government was obliged to refuse (in the Telegraph, 2013.12.18). And therefore, the idea that chemical weapons will be taken to south Italy gains shape ( in the Telegraph, 2014.01.09) and taken on board of a USA civil ship ( from the US Maritime Administration, Transports Ministry), where USA soldiers shall proceed to its dismantlement, the compounds being less toxic if “destroyed by a commercial company”, in England, and the most highly toxic…poured out throughout the Mediterranean. Judging by the map published with the news in the Telegraph, somewhere far out of PIGS’ costs: Italy, Greece, Libya. If the security guarantees are similar to the Syrian government guilt guarantees, then the motives of concern are serious.

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