"OAS : Diseased Summit "

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

About the VI th Americas Summit of the defrauded Organization of American States (OAS), which took place in Colombia, last week-end, the least one ought to say is that it was fiasco. In reality, maybe never as in these days, in Cartagena de las Indias, the anachronism of a designed organization as a faithful instrument of the EUA’s imperialist hegemony within the continent, was so obvious. Ruled by absences, the conclave ended with no final statement, witnessing the current gap between the convergent position of the overwhelming majority of the Latin-American and Caribbean countries and the USA and Canada, regarding transcendental issues as Cuba’s blockade and exclusion or the Argentina sovereignty upon the Malvinas Isles. A Reuters statement, unsuspected of any interest in the peoples’ emancipation cause, synthesized Obama’s drawback in Cartagena: “The Latin-American unprecedented opposition towards the USA’s sanctions against communist Cuba left president Barack Obama isolated (c ), explaining the Washington’s influence decrease in the region” (12.04.15).

Obviously, one would not expect that the great political and economic issues that fustigated the daily life of the overwhelming majority of the Latin-American and carry on jeopardizing the region’s future - very wealthy in resources but holding one of the greatest social inequality indexes within the planet - could seriously be brought unto a forum with the OAS characters and summits of this nature. In fact, they were absent. But, as a sign of the dynamics which mould the current Latin-American context, the host president joined the chorus of those who expressed the non-acceptability of the taking place of a future summit without Cuba’s participation . At the same time, Manuel Santos did not loose the opportunity to announce the coming into force of the Free Trade Treaty, between Colombia and the USA, on May 15th. Santos proceeded, at the Narino Palace, the criminal policy of the Uribe government, of repression and State terrorism, which prevents the negotiated policy solution path regarding the Colombian armed social conflict. The power of the oligarchy regime in Bogotá, remains within the region, the most secure support of the USA’s interference manoeuvre, but nevertheless, Santos has been criticized by Uribe with virulence, regarding the improvement of the relations between Venezuela and the Equator.

This Summit’s taking place in Colombia, cannot but grievously put back the outstanding immorality and hypocrisy which marked the context of a capitalist aggravated crisis, world-wide. Only this way one understands the dominant saintly benevolence and sepulchral silence before the humiliating violations of a human right’s framework, observed within Colombia. All this, when cynical humanitarian and democratic concerns are, at full-time, called upon by imperialism in order to unleash new aggressions and genocide wars. Washington’s most important acolyte in the region, is a political champion on political assassinations, common graves, home refugees, dispossessed rural workers, poverty of many millions. All within the characters of an “ approved democracy”, a used expression by the El País.com (12.04.15), the same newspaper that currently nurtures a wave of revengeful hysterics against the Buenos Aires’ sovereign decision, of nationalizing the Repsol majority packet within the Argentinean YPF oil company.

Cartagena was above all the confirmation that the OAS is currently being a worn down skeleton. The Latin-American peoples’ future passes more and more, by tracking the emancipation and development paths, starting from the national sovereignty exercise inalienable framework. Despite all dangers and difficulties, the progressive and revolutionary processes, which challenge the imperialism and (neo)colonialism power are an undeniable element in the new force correlation set up, reflecting itself in the new cooperation and integration mechanisms’ creation, as ALBA ( Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas), UNASUR (Union of South America Nations) and CELAC( Community of Latin-American and Caribbean States).

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