
Translated "Avante! article by Albano Nunes, Member of the Secretariat of the CC

Has anybody not been touched by the terrible news coming from Nigeria? Has anybody not been outraged and call for justice in the defence of the kidnapped teenage girls during a terror operation which had the purpose to punish, traffic, make them sex slaves? Certainly not. And imperialism knows it. And therefore, this turns the young Nigerian girls’ drama into an impressing media campaign, in which, actors from Michelle Obama unto Antonio José Seguro, besides other “celebrities”, mobilized by Amnesty International and other non-impartial NGO’s, always at the disposition of taking the front end of international artificial alarm waves. Alarms, as proved by facts, which have been frequently arisen, not towards the sincere defence of noble rights and values, but instead, to justify imperialist interference and aggression, as concerning the unleashed wars in the name of the “ duty of protecting” within Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Mali, just to mention some examples. It is understood, that once more, the “ Bring our girls back” campaign is among these examples.

It is quite impressing, how the main capitalist powers’ leaders hastily announced their “concern” and were in the disposition of committing experts, including military troops, in order to find the disappeared teenagers and punish the kidnappers. But the most outstanding, was Barack Obama, who did not miss the opportunity to try to reinforce the USA’s military presence within a country that, on the contrary of the neighbour Niger, has refused to be used as a base for his assassin “drones“, within the African continent. Nigeria, with its 170 million inhabitants, is the most populous and economic powerful African country. Holding a geo-strategic favourable position and very wealthy in oil and other natural resources, Nigeria is particularly envied, both by trans-nationals and imperialism, having always “gambled” with its complex ethnic and religious problems, in order to both dominate the country and its wealth. The tragic Biafra war ( 1967/1970) , just soon upon its independence from the British domain, with the aim of imposing neo-colonial solutions. Currently, this is happening by exploiting obscure armed groups, as the one that kidnapped the young Nigerian girls, within a confused framework of interests and contradictions, where the class element is difficult to perceive and destabilization - which imperialism is generalizing throughout all the continent - is one of its clearest features.

Having the capitalist crisis as a background, the African continent is currently the stage of sharp disputes among the great powers and the North-American imperialism, openly and insolently, in the topnotch of the re-colonizer offensive, as proved by the Africom and the recent developments, aimed to reinforce its aggressive operability, which alias, following the non denied news by the government, involve other projects as the Lages and Beja bases.

In result of all this, and always condemning acts of terror and rights violation, wherever they stand, one is to be under alert on the tragedy’s abusive use on the young Nigerian, in order to protect the interference policy and imperialist aggression, frontally rejecting any involvement of Portugal, of imperialism re-colonizing offensive within Africa, as well as in any other part of the world.

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