National Issues

It is in socialism that workers and peoples will find the answer to their aspirations

Session evoking the Centennial of the October Revolution

2018 State Budget - Advances and Limitations: The Struggle for a Patriotic and Left-wing Policy»

In these two years of the new phase of national political life, launched with the struggle of the workers and the decisive action of the PCP, it was possible, although to a limited extent, to carry out measures to restore the rights, wages and income of workers and people, and answer some of the problems most felt by the Portuguese people. This action was, once again, very obvious in the debate on the State Budget for 2018 that has just been adopted - the third State Budget of this new phase of national political life.

«We must continue to fight for the right to mobility, in defence of public transport, the rights of workers and users»

First of all, I would like to salute you and to welcome the participation of all of you in this fight, which combines with many others that we are waging to defend better living conditions for the populations.

On the appointment of Mário Centeno as president of the Eurogroup

1 - The appointment of Mário Centeno as president of the Eurogroup does not represent a positive decision that upholds the interests of the Portuguese workers and people, or for a sovereign development that rejects the constraints and impositions of the European Union, namely those associated with the Economic and Monetary Union and the Euro.

On the so-called Permanent Structured Cooperation

1 – The PS Government is preparing to decide upon Portugal’s association with the so-called «Permanent Structured Cooperation» (PESCO), counting on the support of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. This decision is part of the process deepening the militarization of the European Union and its affirmation as the European pillar of NATO, tending towards the creation of a «common army» of the European Union, in a framework of complementarity with that political-military block.

Centennial of the October Revolution

Video screened at the Rally commemorating the Centenary of the October Revolution.

Value work and workers - General increase of salaries and of the Minimum National Wage

The workers affected by the right-wing policy were the main target of the offensive of the SGPs and the Pact of Aggression, and of the brutal process of worsening of exploitation and impoverishment applied by the PSD/CDS Government.

«It is with the deep conviction that socialism and communism are the future of Humanity that we pursue our struggle»

Today is a day of special symbolism, the day we mark the 100th. anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution. We mark and celebrate, on this November 7th, the first of the days of a burgeoning revolution that will not only shake the world based on exploitation and oppression, but will transform and mark it deeply, with the force of its example, its revolutionary and progressive achievements, the coherent action and principles of the new proletarian and peasant power in favour of workers and peoples.

Communiqué of the Central Committee of PCP, October 29th 2017

The Central Committee of PCP, having met on October 29th 2017, analyzed the evolution of the national situation, and pointed towards the importance of the development of the mass struggle, and animating PCP’s intervention and its reinforcement.