"MDW 2.0"

Translated "Avamte!" article by Jorge Cadima, member of the PCP International Department

A decade ago, imperialism launched a vast disinformation campaign alleging Saddam Hussein’s Iraq held weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Soon after, the pretext was confirmed to be but a forge for Mass Destruction (FMD). Currently, a new version of the WMD saga is in progress. Its sub-title is “Bachar al-Assad ’s chemical weapons”.

François Hollande, the French “socialist” president, is a WMD prominent actor, who, at the beginning of the current month was awarded the UNESCO Peace Prize for ( believe it or not!/surprisingly!) “ his considerable contribution for peace and stability within Africa”. In other words, for the Mali military invasion. The chairman of the jury of such a creative award is Mario Soares (www.unesco.org). Just after establishing the colonial order within Mali, Hollande seems to be determined in re-establishing the same within Syria. Laurent Fabius, his Foreign Affairs minister, stated, during an interview that “ France is already certain the sarin nerve gas has been used in Syria”[…]. No doubt [the responsible] are the regime and its accomplices, as we were able to reproduce the whole attack chain ( in Liberation, 2013.06.04). And clarifies: “all options are on the table[…] including an armed reaction against the gas storehouses premises“. France has no doubts. Even after Carla del Ponte having declared (in The independent, 2013.06.06) that if ever the sarin nerve gas had been used in Syria, imperialism armed “rebels” were the users. Even upon “Turkish newspapers having reported 12 members of the Syria al-Nusra Front, with Al-Qaeda liaisons, which allegedly planned an attack in Turkey and in possession of 2kg of the sarin nerve gas, had been arrested” in that country (in Reuters, 2013.05.30). Even the unsuspected New York Times wrote (2013.06.10) that “ president Obama, by accident, provided an incentive in order to “exaggerate” on accounts of the use of chemical weapons by stating that ”the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government would be “a red line” and therefore provoking an escalade of the USA interference in the conflict. But, the Unesco Peace Prize seems to have convinced the Nobel Peace Prize that the time has come to undergo a real war. In a White House release and despite “ Obama’s administration being deeply divided” (in New York Times, 2013.06.13) Obama’s national security vice- counsellor vouched for the accusations against the Syrian government. The war machine prepares its engines. From the infallible senator McCain to ex-president Clinton and the British Cameron, the choir asking for an interference escalade in Syria, grows each day.. And the same goes for the USA’s military presence in the region - in Turkey, Israel and Jordan.

The real causes of such great turn over’s are not chemical weapons. Nor its difficult to understand, even amid the regime’s press: “ the Syrian rebels are loosing positions in their struggle against the Bachar al-Assad government”(in CNN, 2013.06.14) and “ upon Mr. Assad’s troops having conquered the strategic town of Qusayr […] , helped by the Hezbolá militant group, Washington fears that a great part of the rebellion is about to collapse” (in New York Times, 2013.06.13). The imperialist crusade in the Middle East risks a defeat of enormous /outstanding consequences. And Fabius, “the Chemicle” shouts out : Et voilá les armes chimiques!

The farce is grotesque, but threatens to change the tragedy into a catastrophe. For a long time, Syria is being destroyed by armed mercenaries, paid and supported by the USA, Great Britain, France , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan (and others). In May, Israel bombarded Damascus. Russia answered, by reinforcing its support to the Syrian government. The Hezbollah responded by taking action on the field. Iran has repeatedly declared that, if necessary, will take action in support of its Syrian ally. An imperialist military adventure escalade, in the Middle East, that risks to alight, not only the region, but world-wide.

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