Questões Internacionais

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

On the developments in the Korean Peninsula

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

PCP solidary with the struggle of the workers and people of Cyprus

Nota do Secretariado do Comité Central do PCP

Solidarity with the workers and the people of Cyprus

Nota do Secretariado do Comité Central do PCP

PCP expresses its profound sorrow for the death of President Hugo Chávez

Declaração de , Press Conference

Press Conference of Jeronimo de Sousa on the Meeting of PCP' Central Committee

Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP

PCP Condemns the ongoing foreign military intervention in Mali

Moção do XIX Congresso do PCP, Almada

Solidarity with the workers and peoples in struggle