Release from the PCP Press Office

PCP condemns Israel’s new attacks against Syria

PCP condemns Israel’s new attacks against Syria

The PCP strongly condemns the recent attacks by the Israeli armed forces against Syria and warns of the dangers they hold of further worsening the situation in the Middle East.

These are unacceptable attacks that constitute a new and clear violation of international law and of the UN Charter by Israel, which, incidentally, by frontally disregarding UN resolutions, illegally occupies Syrian territory (Golan Heights) since 1967.

The PCP considers that this new aggression by Israel – similar to the one perpetrated against Syria, towards the end of January – cannot once again remain unpunished, and should be clearly condemned by the Portuguese government, in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.

Israel’s attacks against Syria, supported by the North American Administration are part of the operation of interference and aggression against this country – carried out by NATO’s main imperialist powers in alliance with the monarchical dictatorships of the Persian Gulf – constituting a provocation aimed at escalating the Middle East conflict. The attacks take place when we are witnessing a campaign that tries to provide cover to a large scale foreign intervention in Syria.

Condemning and denouncing the operations of interference and aggression by imperialism and Zionism in the Middle East – which boycott every attempt to have a negotiated and political solution to the conflict in Syria -, the PCP is solidary with the struggle of the peoples of the Middle East in defence of their sovereignty, independence and peace.

  • Central
  • Political Statements
  • Syria
  • War