Declarações e Comunicados do PCP
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
On the recent worsening of Portugal’s relations with Venezuela
20 February 2020
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
Trump Plan – aggression against the Palestinian people and international law
30 January 2020
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
PCP condemns the US aggressive escalation in the Middle East
5 January 2020
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
PCP repudiates Trump Administration’s statement on Israeli settlements and condemns new Israeli aggression on Gaza
19 November 2019
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
On the prison sentences of political leaders, members of Parliament and former members of the Regional Government of Catalonia
15 October 2019
Nota do Gabinete de Imprensa do PCP
PCP condemns a new step in the war of aggression against Syria
14 October 2019