As stated in the proposal of political resolution, the international situation is, in general terms, worsening as a result of imperialism's escalation of confrontation and war, which, in addition to its brutal consequences for millions of human beings, contains dangers of a conflict of major proportions.
Reality is demonstrating that, in the face of its relative decline, the United States of America, along with other great capitalist powers, is using all its means to protect its hegemonic dominance.
Given the grave developments in the world, there are understandable reasons for concern. But mostly what these developments urge is broader awareness, mobilization and organized action by all those who oppose militarism, war, and the road to the abyss.
A broader awareness, mobilization and action in defense of peace that relies on clarification and, therefore, the defense of the truth, necessarily opposing the immense campaign of disinformation and lies, of apology and trivialization of militarism and war, exhaustively disseminated by the media, which does everything to silence, stigmatize and hinder those who justly persist in rejecting war, condemning those responsible and denouncing their real intentions.
As we know, we live in times when affirming the defense of peace and truth, in which affirming solidarity with peoples who fight for their rights and sovereignty, with those who resist imperialism's interference and aggression, requires courage and determination.
That is why PCP is intensely attacked for its principled positions in defense of peace and solidarity with peoples. Because PCP does not relent, but rather fights the prophets of militarism and war. Because PCP speaks the truth. Because PCP clarifies, organizes, mobilizes for action in defense of peace – and this is of the utmost importance and makes all the difference.
Yes, we are not indifferent, nor do we abet the spread of indifference. Indignantly, we denounce and condemn the barbarism of war, with its legacy of death, suffering and destruction. We are patriots and internationalists, fighting in our Country, we are in solidarity with the struggles of other peoples, in the common aspiration and construction of a more just and better world.
PCP will continue to affirm its firm position of always defending peace and fighting against fascism and war.
PCP will continue to affirm its demand for the immediate end to the genocide in the Gaza Strip, the end of the Palestinian people's suffering in the hands of Israel, as well as the creation of a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders and with its capital in East Jerusalem, and the fulfilment of the right of return of Palestinian refugees, as determined by the United Nations resolutions.
PCP will continue to fight for peace in the Middle East, for an end to the escalation of war promoted by Israel, the United States and other NATO powers and the European Union, against countries and peoples in the region, such as Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq or Iran.
PCP persists – and reality reaffirms our reasoning – in demanding an end to the instigation and prolongation of the war in Ukraine by the US, NATO and the European Union; and the urgent opening of negotiation with the other actors, namely the Russian Federation, aimed at a political solution to the conflict, answering the problems of collective security and disarmament in Europe, in compliance with the principles of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act – principles embraced by the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.
PCP remains committed to mobilizing against imperialism's aggressions and interferences, against militarism and the arms race, against the enlargement of NATO and for its dissolution, against the militarization of the European Union. And continues committed to expanding the mobilization toward a system of collective security, disarmament agreements, and the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Likewise, we will continue to strengthen solidarity with the peoples who resist imperialism and fight to defend their rights and sovereignty – such as Palestine, Cuba, Bolivarian Venezuela, Western Sahara, among many other countries and peoples.
PCP will continue its intervention so that Portugal breaks with its subordination to the US, NATO and the European Union, and has a sovereign and independent foreign policy, based on peace, friendship and cooperation with all the peoples of the world.
Unlike others, PCP does not bow before the perpetrators of war and the pressure exerted by its propagandists, assuming any position associated with imperialism's maneuvers. In fact, if we are attacked so much, in an attempt to stigmatize and silence us, it is because we are the effective resistance to their interventionist and warmongering strategy and intentions.
Imperialism does not have a free hand. Workers and peoples resist and struggle, facing the violent exploitative and aggressive offensive, which reveals a capitalism that is in deep crisis, steeped in contradictions and unable to respond to the problems and desires of humanity.
Resistance and struggle developed in different conditions, taking various forms and aiming at diverse immediate objectives, sometimes demanding great sacrifices, but paving the way to possible progressive and revolutionary advances.
Struggles that acquire a much greater meaning and importance, when the current global context is still one of resistance and accumulation of forces by revolutionary and progressive forces.
PCP continues to contribute to strengthening the international communist and revolutionary movement and its cooperation, mutual solidarity and unity in action. Likewise, PCP is committed to the convergence of a broad anti-imperialist front that contains and pushes back imperialism and opens the way to the construction of a new international order of peace, sovereignty and social progress.
Solidarity, cooperation and unity in action which, while not implying or requiring a total identification of positions between the involved parties, underlines the defense of principles and objectives that contribute to strengthen the resistance and struggle of workers and peoples.
The international situation demands not the isolation of the communists from other revolutionary and progressive forces, not a division between the peace and anti-imperialist forces, but their convergence isolating their main enemy.
A grave stance would be to accept and agree with theorizations and campaigns that seek to equate the aggressive action of the United States, its NATO allies and the European Union with the posture of other countries that – affirming and defending their sovereignty, independence and right to development – position themselves internationally in respect for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and support peoples and states victims of imperialism's destabilization and aggression.
To accept such an equality would not only whitewash the objectives and serious dangers of imperialism's present onslaught, but would divide and objectively nullify part of the spectrum of anti-imperialist forces.
This is the path PCP will pursue with unwavering determination, based on the firm commitment to the Portuguese workers and people, honoring its dimension and history as a patriotic and internationalist party.
From our XXII Congress we salute the communists and all those throughout the world who fight for the rights, interests and aspirations of peoples.
To all of them we express the solidarity of the Portuguese communists, assuring them that PCP will continue to raise the banner of peace, democracy, socialism, the banner of the liberation of the exploited and oppressed.
Long live the struggle for peace!
Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live internationalist solidarity!
Long live the Portuguese Communist Party!