Speech by Francisco Lopes , Member of the Political Committee and Secretariat of the CC, XXII Congress of the PCP

Identity, intervention and strengthening of the Party

Identity, intervention and strengthening of the Party


We are holding our Party’s XXII Congress in these historic and challenging times, which heighten the responsibility that we shoulder.

It is a great honour to belong to this Party of ours. Looking back at over one century of struggle, looking at the past few years since the XXI Congress, it is striking what our Party has had to face, what it has achieved, how it has resisted and how it has always fought for the future, pointing with determination and confidence to the solutions, with our ideal and project. And here we are, continuing, relaunching our struggle from this Congress. With new energies, new militants, new cadres, which are added to all the others, because all are needed and all are summoned to the struggle that continues, in this inspiring struggle for rights and to improve living conditions; for the patriotic and left-wing alternative; for an advanced democracy with the values of April in the future of Portugal; for the revolutionary overcoming of capitalism by socialism.

We are the Party that the workers, the people and the country need.

We are the Portuguese Communist Party.

The Party with the Communist identity that assumes, with boundless courage, an initiative that asserts itself and a reinforcement that is needed.

We are a Party that differentiates itself from all the others, with our own identity, which we reaffirm. That emerges above the momentary smokescreens. That defines us and guides our path, in the face of the obstacles and setbacks that are placed before us by the promoters and agents of exploitation, of war, of the plunder of resources.

Yes, we are the Portuguese Communist Party, the Party of the working class and all workers, the Party that is independent from the influence, interests, ideology and politics of the forces of Capital.

The Party that aims for a new society, socialism and communism, a society freed from exploitation and oppression.

The Party that has a theoretical basis, Marxism-Leninism, a materialist and dialectical view of the world, an instrument of analysis, a guide for action, a critical and transformative ideology.

The Party that has operational principles that arise from the creative development of democratic centralism, which is based on a profound internal democracy, with a single general line and a single central leadership.

The Party that is patriotic and internationalist.

We are the Party that has not been intimidated and will not be intimidated. A Party with political and ideological courage, with courage for action. A collective courage, based on its identity, its organisation and its goals. A courage that is reflected in the action of thousands and thousands of Party members, in their militancy and initiative. A courage that is an example and commitment indispensable for future action. A courage that is a guarantee for the workers, the people, the democrats and patriots. And, for this reason too, it is necessary that they give more support and more strength to the PCP.

We are a Party that takes the initiative, that assumes its vanguard role and knows that it is the organized force, the unity and struggle of the workers and popular masses, which determine the situation and its development, the breaks, the social and political transformations. And which therefore does its utmost to raise the class and political consciousness of the workers, to strengthen the unity organizations of the masses. [A Party] that takes the initiative, that responds to the new demands that are placed on every level, regarding long-lasting problems and new situations. Which feels the pulse of events, of life and of living conditions, of discontentment, of anxieties, aspirations and demands. And which gives them sequence in the intervention by the masses, in action in unity with those who, like the Communists, have these concerns, and in the Party’s own initiative and direct intervention. [A Party] which takes the initiative on all fronts, in each organization addressing the problems of the workers, of communities, of sectors and specific social strata, on local issues, with an overall initiative. An initiative that is then translated into institutional action, namely in the Assembly of the Republic and in the European Parliament, in the proposals and solutions, but also in construction and achievements, the most visible expression of which is the work and achievements in local government.

We are a Party that counts on its own strength, which it cherishes, and that needs to become stronger. A Party of the masses that works to recruit new militants and calls for the adhesion of all those who believe that an organized and consistent participation is necessary. A Party that, even more so in the current circumstances, emphasizes the importance of militancy, of regular duties, of assuming responsibilities, of the role of cadres, of preparation, of resistance to the offensive and of our Party’s political and ideological affirmation, based on our ideals and our project. We need a stronger party with stronger leadership bodies at every level, based on collective work and individual responsibility, with one thousand more cadres taking regular responsibilities in the coming years, joining the over one thousand who have assumed them in the last two years since the National Conference. We need, and we will have, a stronger Party with the creation and rekindling of more branches, namely company and sectoral cells, but also local organizations and organizations in various areas of activity. With their own initiative and life, linked to the realities in which they act and driven by the general line. We count on JCP, on its intervention among the youth and with the young cadres that it generates for today and for tomorrow.

We launch from this Congress a general movement to strengthen the Party, to strengthen leadership and structuring, articulated with the accountability of cadres, with recruitment, political and ideological preparation, militancy, means of propaganda, the Press, financial independence. We have thus taken the initiative to set in motion this movement to strengthen the Party's organisation, while at the same time boosting political initiative and links with the masses, which are absolutely inseparable.

We fight in challenging conditions. We are hit by the blows of those people who run the country, outside and against the Constitution of the Republic; by silencing and manipulation. We also have our shortcomings that we analyse, learning from experience and pointing the way to move ahead. In this unequal struggle we have the unshakable strength of our convictions and project and the links to the workers and the popular masses, which is the inexhaustible source of our strength.

We work to expand our social, political, ideological and electoral influence, for a stronger Party that is indispensable for Portugal and for all those who live and work here. But we want to be clear: we are not waiting for more influence and a bigger organization in order to take action. We act with the strength and influence that we have. We act with the Party that we are, with its imperfections and with its remarkable strengths. And it is also this that will broaden our influence and make the Party stronger. We will not wait for an ideal Party, nor will we sit idly looking back wishfully at one or other moment in our history. We are communists today. We assume the revolutionary legacy of so many who preceded us, with our eyes on the future. We reaffirm our commitment to the workers and the people, to our ideal and to the project of freedom, democracy, sovereignty, social progress, peace and socialism. This is our pledge of honour to fight and resist. This is the path to victory.

Long live the XXII Congress!

Long live JCP!

Long live the Portuguese Communist Party!


  • XXII Congresso
  • Central
XXII Congresso