Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, Member of the Secretariat of the CC
Paradoxical it might seem, this was exactly what the imperialist “allies” wanted to avoid. Before the USSR great prestige and the advance of the social progress, national liberation and socialism – particularly evident in Asia, considering the Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean revolutions – the USA, shamelessly, begun stating that their decision of “stopping communism” by all possible means, including by the presentation of the atomic weapon monopoly and the threat of its use. The war had not come to an end and the main imperialist power had unleashed the “cold-war” within the framework of its confront strategy towards the socialist field and world domain. The struggle for social progress and peace together with the USSR conquest for strategic military parity, which stopped imperialism to start a new war of catastrophic dimensions.
The Japanese people war sufferings – besides Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Tokyo and more than two hundred towns were bombed – started the building, within Japan, of a powerful movement towards the abolishment of the nuclear weapon and the consecration through the Japanese Constitution renouncing to militarism, war and the country’s re-armament interdiction. Therefore, it is disturbing that, 70 years upon World War II end , Japanese imperialism, in alliance with the USA, begins proclaiming dangerous expansionist ambitions and the Shinzo Abe’s reactionary government, which, alias, refuses to recognize the monstrous war crimes practised (namely in China) , has presented the Japanese parliament a new project for “ a security bill”, against the Constitution, and allowing the use of military force against other peoples.
Currently war drums, together with the military hecatomb danger, are beating again. With the end of the USSR, the powerful strength that obliged imperialism to restrain its claws, disappeared. The struggle for disarmament and peace has become more difficult. None the less, one ought not to consider war inevitable. Its known imperialism and war hold hands and whilst the capitalist system is not eradicated from earth, dangers of a war ought to remain. But history is written by the popular masses and their organized struggle and communists never give up nor hesitate before difficulties.
Ideas material strength is immense. Round the historical truth, ideological struggle is particularly sharp. To never forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedies, the historical circumstances that surrounded them and those responsible, is handing over more strength to the struggle for disarmament, nuclear weapons abolition, for peace.