By Jorge Cadima


Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the International Department

How World War II V Day (Victory day) 70th anniversary on Nazi-Fascism was treated by most of the media at the great capital service, is shameless, but foreseeable. In Belmiro de Azevedo’s unofficial newspaper, O Publico, May 9th: “ As the long ago communists, the new Kremlin masters have their power based on the creation of myths and propaganda”. And the newspaper, whose director supported the war, based on the myth of the “ Saddam Hussein mass destruction weapons”, in 2003, adds: “ the Stalinist myth that Fascism salvation was based on the Russian people’s and their leader’s sacrifice was recuperated by the current Kremlin occupiers”. A Stalinist myth?!? It ought to be hard on the great capital propagandists, but there exists something called ”reality”. Or, in this case, a “historical fact”. During World War II, the most deadly bellicose conflict in history, it never was a “Stalinist myth”, that killed almost 60 million people, half being Soviets. It is not a “Stalinist myth” that during World War II, for three years – since the USSR invasion, carried out by Nazi Germany, in June 1941, until the Normandy landing, in June 1944 – the USSR confronted, alone, the Nazi war machine bulk. And that, during those long, solitary, difficult and deadly years, the USSR fought and won the decisive battles that dictated the World War II outcome: Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Kursk and many others.

Owing to a people, its Red Army and the Communist Party, which accepted sacrifices – including their own lives – in order to save the country and Humanity, from the Nazi-Fascist monster.

Adam Tooze, a British Cambridge and Yale professor, a “ Stalinist myth” propagandist, and to which the O Publico is immune, wrote: “ What is unquestionable is what happened in the Eastern Front, when the Third Reich begun bleeding to death and the Red Army was the major responsible for the Wehrmacht destruction. […] The attack launched by the Wehrmacht in June 22nd, 1941 [against the USSR] was the greatest military operation in history[…] Never, before nor after, such a combat was fought with such ferocity, by so many men, in such an extensive battle front (in “The wages of destruction”, Penguin, 2007).

If there is to be a myth on the War (repeated by Obama, last year), is that the turnover moment was the Anglo-American landing in Normandy.

The end of the war was outlined in June 1944 – none the less, many more battles and deaths were to happen. The suspicion on what really weighed in the USA and England’s decision to, at last, open, the Second Front, is legitimate: the desire of smashing Nazi-Fascism, or the fear that on carrying it out, only but and exclusively the USSR and the armed popular resistance, meanwhile organized in several countries – from Yugoslavia to Greece, from China to Korea and Vietnam, from France to Italy – mostly under the guidance and direction of their own communist parties.

It ought to be positive if the rumours of the NATO-USA-EU propaganda machines – within which, is more and more hard to find “ something true /the real truth”, as Antonio Aleixo said – were but the result of ignorance. On the contrary. In reality, it was an attempt to, profiting the passing of the years, to re-write history. Hindering that Nazi-Fascism was the force solution that a good number of capitalist leader classes found – the Belmiros of long ago – to save their power and system, in crisis. In result, the ascension of Mussolini, Franco, Salazar and even Hitler himself, held important supports and connivances, even amid the “liberal democracies”. But historical falsification targets further: in order to create , within the imperialist powers’current deep crisis, the myths, which again allow to use force and violence solutions. The crucial reason to celebrate and safeguard the historical truth on the 70th years of the Victory.

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