Translated "Avante!" article by Luís Carapinha, Member of the International Department
The developments round Greece succeed at an accelerated rhythm, within an instable situation, inclined to sudden pirouettes and turnarounds, and which its coming outcome remains uncertain. At the moment the non-payment to the IMF of 1600 million Euro is confirmed, and the run-out of the term, until recently considered as the term period of the default scenario and a probable “Grexit”, the destabilization manoeuvres, the EU powers and institutions, the Troika blackmailing intensifies over Athens. The opaque backstage moves and the information and counter-information war are at their highest upon Tsipras announcement of a referendum on July 5th and of thousand of Greeks having gone on the streets in order to say NO to the EU and IMF ultimatum, on the 29th. The most varied means are used in order to intent to condition and mine the taking place of the announced referendum. The German finance minister declared that the NO triumph, after all, ought not to correspond to an expulsion of Greece from the Eurozone. The IMF currently admits to contemporize towards the default declaration. On the other side, and side by side with the division growing signals amid the Syrisa, the Greek government multiplies the frenetic contacts, in order to guarantee a last minute agreement with the “creditors”, which could inclusively imply a change of direction on the vote behaviour or even the referendum suspension. Which, if to happen, ought to situate the coalition government and, particularly, its main party in a practically unsustainable position. It is obvious, that during the interference and suffocating Machiavelli marathon on Greece, transformed into a “ cat and rat” game, the most elementary decency and ethic rules lie as shameful, for a long time. It has come to a point of seeing the European Commission president, as a whining lamb, complaining about Greece’s ingratitude before the “institutions” proposed virtues in the name of “social justice”, which Merkel has qualified as generous.
The piteous cynicism before a country’s real drama, which, in the last five years assisted to its economy deepening, in 25 % and faces a situation of social and humanitarian disaster, achieving atrocious levels. The EU has dropped its “cohesion” and “solidarity” mask in order to unveil its real exploiter nature, an instrument at the service of the great capital and powers which conform the Brussels directorate, headed by Germany. The Greek path, ever since the troika’s memorandum application is the prove of what is at stake, not but an economy and national sovereignty expropriation and destruction, but the “regime” deep destabilization, aiming at an anti-democratic power consecration.
Independently of what is to happen in the following days, there are no doubts that one is before an exceptional and dangerous situation, walking on the knife-edge. Before the Greek crossroads dilemma cascade, deep contradictions are highlighted, an expression of the aggravating capitalism structural crisis general framework ( plus “imputation” of respective costs). Contradictions which involve the EU powers central nucleus, the European capitalist integration process and the relation with the North-American imperialism that, at the same time, cross global forces rearrangement fracture lines, namely the confrontation which opposes the imperialist triad (USA, EU and Japan) to China, Russia and the BRICS on what concerns structural issues, from the resources and markets control, to international trade and finance, together with the dominant dollar position, as a reserve currency.
Stakes are high, before the Greek crisis, inseparable from the Euro and EU crisis. The last five months proved it is not possible to conciliate the end of “austerity” with the subordination to the EUM rules. The Greek people’s solution for their problems can only be achieved in the path of sovereignty affirmation and the rupture with the EU, IMF and ECB diktat and its asphyxia mechanisms.