1 – The up to now disclosed decisions of the G20 meeting confirm that this Meeting did not take the necessary measures to meet the severe economic and social problems facing the world, resulting from the deep crisis of capitalism.
2 – It is announced that astronomical sums will be made available. In the meantime, the bottom issue remains, for what, to whom and with which political guidelines. As the failure of the so-called anti-crisis measures has shown, without any change in the core options, the application of these sums will not by themselves solve the economic and social problems.
3 – The end result of the widely propagated reform of the international financial system was a set of scattered and cosmetic measures.
The central institutions of the system, with the IMF at forefront, whose policies are responsible for the present crisis, remain untouched and even strengthened.
The core issues of the international financial architecture, supporting the present capitalist world economic order, were not even touched, as witnessed by the maintenance of the hegemony of the US dollar.
It is particularly significant that, confirming the strategy “to change what is necessary to keep everything as it is”, G20 ended up by deciding to maintain the off-shores/tax havens.
4 –There are no visible measures to answer the very severe problems at the social level, like unemployment. Even in terms of supporting development, the conclusions made public point to the usual promises of aid – essentially of the hand-out type and accompanied by aims of domination and exploitation – while at the same time insisting on the attempt to impose liberalization of world trade in the interest of the great powers.
5 –This summit confirms the idea, several times expressed by the PCP, that only the struggle of the workers and the peoples, only a rupture with the present dominating political and economic system can put an end to the crises, like the one presently ravaging the world.