"Drones and human rights"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

With Obama as president of the USA, the concealed war mechanisms have acquired an important dimension within the great imperialist power bellicose chain. The deepening of the systemic crisis and the Iraq and Afghanistan’s wars heavy burdens, worsened the North-American debt and therefore place, almost as undeniable, the Pentagon funds’ reduction. The USA’s military strategy upgrading, with a more bias for the so-called intelligent war technologies, is part of the readjustment efforts, in order to maintain untouched the Washington leader circles hegemonic agenda, the greatest menace unto international security. Under this situation and daily, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), known as drones, shoot furtively on “selected targets throughout Central Asia, Arabic Peninsula, Middle East, the Horn and North Africa. An outstanding violation of international law and sovereignty principles along with states territorial integrity in the name of the“ fight against terrorism”. The assassination lists are previously approved at the North-American leader highest level. CIA and the Pentagon Predator and Reaper vehicles, monitored at thousand of kilometres distance, from the “theatre of operations”, carry out the killings under the special military operations euphemism. Nobody shall ever know the real number of victims of these piracy attacks which, ostensibly, do not spare populations. But anti-Americanism unsuspected sources have calculated, that more than 3000 human beings were killed during the last decade.

Nothing that is able to tarnish the apostolic infracted choir of unique thinking and the freedom, democracy and …human rights supreme values.
Even though having hold of the powerful impunity and the media benevolence, it is hardly possible to hinder in the dark ,the use of state terrorism at the highest level. The UN opened an enquiry which outcome is to be a report, presented at a General Assembly. This initiative is ought to have come from Pakistan, Russia and China. The investigation is centred in drone attacks against Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Palestine, perpetrated by the USA, United Kingdom and Israel. Notwithstanding the sovereignty rights violation, the report in progress’ data, highlight the existence of war crimes which include deliberate attacks against rescue teams and funerals. However, one must not expect the UN investigation to lead upon a final and thorough clearance of responsibilities.

Whilst amid the capitalist core, poverty and social discontent rise, the USA new bellicose doctrine favours, more and more, the commitment of special military troops and the taking place of several tactic actions with deep effects of strategic nature. It is symptomatic that the USA Special Operations Commander -in -Chief, proposed to build up secret operations, holding flexible command chains , in 2012 - with the power of ignoring the approval from formal circuits, considering the Pentagon itself - to be carried out world-wide and namely in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

At the same time, the USA plan NATO’s articulation capacity within the planet’s neuralgic zones, indispensable to the maintenance of the economic-financial great groups power and the basic taking place of the exploiter circuit of capitalist appropriation and accumulation.

Through the transatlantic axis and the use of strategic alliances ( Australia and Japan cases) , the global anti-missile shield is installed in order to annul Russia’s and China’s dissuasion nuclear power, making them become vulnerable before a demolishing attack threat. At the sound of war drums, the Great Middle East destabilizing blur penetrates the Sahel borders and Asia’s core, the Arab Spring replications are expected.

Threats to world peace are serious. But, nor the barbarism nor the attempt to mould a new exploiter and repressive paradigm can elude capitalism falling trajectory and sustain the ascension of the combined struggle towards a better world.

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