"Dignity and Sovereignty"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department

Four EU countries, including Portugal, carried out the aerial space interdiction to Evo Morales’ aircraft, being in itself, an act of the most serious nature and following the Bolivian president’s sequestration during 14 hours, upon an emergency landing in Vienna, on his return from Moscow. It is an unprecedented violation of the international norms and conventions in times of peace, fairly qualified as “state terrorism” by the La Paz government. A discourteous aggression and provocation against a sovereign state which, integrates the Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA), currently being the stage of one of the most significant change democratic processes within Latin America. Not less serious, it represents an act of shameful puppet subservience under Paris, Lisbon, Rome and Madrid governments - independently of being governed by social-democracy or the right-wing - before the USA and the CIA obscure manoeuvres, which frontally collide with international law.
Clearly proving the EU’s reserve in confronting the USA on the global espionage facts revealed by Snowden, the ex-NSA agent. In reality, as proved in the CIA illegal flights case, the existent umbilical complicity between the two sides of the transatlantic axe concerning the strategic plan - as for seeking the answers of anti-democratic nature towards the capitalism systemic crisis challenges - it carries on prevailing by inciting rivalries and unravel constant reciprocal despicable acts together with the uncomfortable situation under Washington‘s control.

In no circumstance, the governments personal responsibilities ought to be attenuated, by an act, equally targeted unto the Latin-American peoples, as mentioned in the Cochabamba Declaration, subscribed by several Heads of State within the UNASUR framework. On this matter, and not surprisingly, the Passos and Portas government’s anti-patriotic position, is a motive of deep discredit and shame for our country. And the president of the Republic’s silence, is in itself serious, in a matter in which the government places itself against the Constitution spirit.

Morales’ blockade - and its framing, following imperialism new espionage illegal networks revelations, which potentially place under vigilance any human being throughout the planet -well illustrate the times we are living and the dangers it contains. Defending the democratic laws and freedom, allied to the defence of sovereignty exercise converges /meet with the anti-imperialist struggle and is in a closer articulation with the need of structural changes. Within the international arena, a thick fracture line carries on taking shape and strengthening, although the contradictory facts which cross over internally each field. A line, which in the current context and conjuncture separates more and more the imperialist offensive driving forces and the qualitative diverse and even contradictory force arch which, nevertheless, offers resistance. The progressive and revolutionary struggle within Latin America, place the sub-continent in an advanced position concerning force correlation, a challenge towards the USA, the great capital and the oligarchies do not ignore. The standards carry on increasing. The attempt against the president of Bolivia takes place upon the cooperation agreement announcement between NATO and Colombia, a unique fact, which “ escaped” the dominant media‘s eyes.

For the moment, the situation has been backfired. The firm solidarity with Bolivia in Latin America has great world repercussion. And as Morales recalls, a dignified and sovereign people can never be intimidated.

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