Translated “Avante!” article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department
NATO is performing in Portugal, Spain and Italy and until November 6th, the announced greatest military manoeuvres, for the last two decades. Manoeuvres which intend to potentiate the intervention capacity of this political-military block, monitored by the USA, and that carries out an aggressive offensive in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, within its framework of international relations’ militarization, run to armament and proliferation of tension focus, destabilization and conflict.
NATO, to which the European Union assumes itself as an European pillar, is a USA instrument in order to confront all those who offer resistance before imperialism world domain strategy – concerning an international situation that carries on to be characterized by the capitalism structural crisis, rearrangement of forces, at world level, and the workers and peoples resistance and struggle in the defence of their rights, sovereignty and desires.
NATO, by despising the UN Charter and international law, ignoring its inadmissible objectives and actions, through misinformation and manipulation, promotes interference and war, using xenophobe and fascist groups terrorist action.
Portugal, by rejecting its involvement in aggressions against other peoples, ought to indulge in the defence for peace, solidarity and cooperation among peoples throughout the world, by contributing to remove a catastrophe threat, which imperialism wants to dive Humanity – as war is not inevitable.
The struggle for Peace is more urgent and present than ever. Therefore, one highlights the actions promoted by the peace movement in Portugal, under the motto “Yes to Peace! Stop NATO military operations” – following the 2010 campaign, “ Yes to Peace! No to NATO!” - , giving expression to the Portuguese people’s desire.
A legitimate desire for peace and principles for its concretization which, although some carry on not accepting and try to forget, are consecrated in the Republic Constitution.
Alias, by establishing principles for Portugal’s foreign policy such as national independence, equality among states, human rights respect and peoples rights – including the right to self-determination, independence and development, as well as insurrection to all forms of oppression -, a pacific solution for international conflicts, non-interference in home matters of other states, as well as, cooperation with all other peoples towards humanity emancipation and progress, which the Portuguese Constitution, consequently, intends imperialism abolition, colonialism and other any form of aggression, domain and exploitation among peoples, as general disarmament, simultaneously and under control, dissolution of political-military blocks and the establishment of a collective security system, in order to create an international order, capable of insuring peace and justice in peoples relations.
The PCP, by reaffirming its position in dissolving NATO, condemns the taking place of this political-military aggressive block manoeuvres and appeals to the participation in actions promoted by the peace movement, namely the rally which will take place in Lisbon, next Saturday.