"USA - RUSSIA: The arch of contradiction"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

On the eve of the St. Petersbourg G20 Summit, the focus of discrepancy within the Washington and Moscow relations, deepens. Not awaiting for Obama’s decision in cancelling his meeting with Putin, to take place in the Russian capital, to be able to certify the inconsistency of the recent so-called USA-Russia reset. The White House desperate reaction on the decision of giving temporary asylum to Snowden, the ex-intelligence agent, responsible for the last revelations on the global spy network, built by the North-American imperialism with the consent of their European servers, is one more signal- gradual- of an asymmetric relation’s direction, ruled by the difference of interests and the policy and alliances opposition, within the international arena. All within a context of the capitalist economic crisis aggravation. In times of bellicose fury, imperialism does not forgive the reappearance of the Russian president - the author of the Munch 2007 speech - the affirming of the Russian capitalism on the principle of national sovereignty and invoking the UN Charter practice and the defence of international law.

The anti-Russian interference and demagogy acquire such proportions that make one go back in time to the Cold War, although the parallelism is but justified regarding its form. Russia participates in the construction of organizations as the BRICS and the OCX (Shanghai Organization). Its relationship regarding the CEI, with Latin America ( is, the most important Caracas partner considering the modernization of the Bolivarian Venezuela’s defensive capacity), the strategic axis which links Moscow to Beijing - with all it signifies for the world force correlation - , its positioning before Syria, Iran and the current lived situation in the Middle East, are some of the points of the growing contradiction between Moscow and global strategy imposed by Washington. The Kremlin’s critics on the dollar hegemony, the Federal Reserve and the IMF are well known, despite the compromises and the liberalizing accent maintained by the internal economic policy. However, it is in the military plan, the USA-Russia “ shock line” assumes a major evidence. The NATO expansionism under the eye of Russia, proceeds, the conventional force treaty disagreement in Europe and which Russia denounced, carries on and , the USA does not give up the global anti-missile shield objective. A military programme which weighs just as the Damocles’ spade over Russia’s nuclear strategic capacity, legated by the USSR (the world strategic balance itself, in some way still existent). In the absence of this decisive dissuading force, probably the Russian Federation would no more exist, at least, with its current boarders.

Ieltsin, prepared a coup, in order to liquidate The Russia Soviet Supreme, 20 years ago. Much is yet to be revealed about the 3-4 October slaughter on the Moscow streets and the final assault to the seat of the Russian parliament, under the applause of the transatlantic axis leaders. The Washington strategists, under their democratic euphoria, did not hinder their criminal plans concerning Russia. The Russian leadership understood submission holds a unaffordable price: not merely the integration in the world market, but the Federation’s capitulation and disintegration, following the USSR’s faith, in 1991. And therefore, all the dilemmas are currently evident. Although the limitations and distortions, the Russian capitalism was unable to contradict the popular will in returning national dignity and pride. It ought to be a mistake to judge that the umbilical cord with the Russia of the Ieltsin, Gaidar and Tchubais plunder privatization is definitely torn apart.

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