Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the International Department
This is not about the “ conspiracy theory”, but instead, confirmed and documented conspiracy. The Judicial Watch, the North-American group, published official documents, in May last, from both the USA’s Ministries of the Foreign Affairs and Defence, obtained upon a judicial process. Journalist Seamus Milne refers (in The Guardian, 2015.0603) “ a secret report coming from the USA’s intelligence services, written in August 2012, that strangely previews – and in practise greets – the possibility of a “Salafi principality” in East Syria and an Islamic State controlled by the Al-Qaida, in Syria and Iraq. In flagrant contrast with the then Western allegations, the Defence Intelligence Agency document identifies the Al- Qaida in Iraq (which became the ISIS) and its Salafi supporters, as “the main forces that stir insurrection within Syria” and declares that” Western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey “support the opposition efforts to control the East of Syria”. The report says: “ the possibility of establishing a declared or not, Salafi principality” is precisely what the powers, which support the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syria regime”.
The confession of the sudden appearance and amazing successes of the “Islamic State” are “precisely what the powers, which support the opposition (in Syria) want”, is not surprising. On the contrary, it helps to explain many things. The ISIS serves as a pretext for the USA troops return back to Iraq (in New York Times, 2015.06.11). It “justifies” USA’s bombardments and special action troops in Syrian territory (in New York Times, 2015.05.16), ignoring its government. The confession also helps to explain the recent news from an Iran agency, the FARS, that USA planes, under the pretext of attacking ISIL forces, bombed an Iraq army battalion “killing 6 soldiers and wounding 8” (in 2015.06.06). It also explains the repeated supports to Syrian Islamic extremists, confessed by Israel, as in the site (an internet version in English, of the most read newspaper in Israel, the Yedioth Ahronoth), entitled ” A rare video shows IDF (Israel armed forces) soldiers saving the life of a Syrian rebel at the Golan Mountains” and advances “ many of the Syrian wounded, newcomers to Israel, seeking for medical help, belong to extremist Islamic groups” (2015.05.12). Bloomberg wrote (2015.06.04) that” since the beginning of 2014, Israel and Saudi Arabia representatives had five secret meetings in order to discuss the common enemy, Iran. On Thursday last, the two countries came out of the closet, announcing this under-covered diplomacy, at the Foreign Relations Council, in Washington”.
The official announcement of the Israeli- Saudi engagement, supported by one of the USA’ foreign policy main think tanks, counted with the presence of Saudi general Eshki, prince Bandur bin Sultan’s, the ex-Ambassador in the USA counsellor, well-known by “Bandur Bush”, for his liaisons to that USA’s “royal family”. Eshki defended “a change of the Iran regime” and “ an independent Kurdistan, to be constituted by the current territory occupied by Iraq, Turkey and Iran “. On the Zionist side, Dore Gold, the ex-Ambassador of Israel at the UN, who wrote the book “The reign of hate” on the Saudi Arabia role in the terrorism and Islamic extremism financing, in 2003”. Hate changes into love, as Gold explains, as the book was written “ at the height of the second Intifada, when Saudi Arabia financed and collected funds for Israelis assassinations”. And currently, “ it is mostly Iran that works with the Palestinian groups, that carry on linked to terrorism”. Read: to resistance.
An USA-Israeli –Saudi Arabia alliance unites the main supporters of terrorism and war, in the regional and world level, all of them masters in lies and dissimulation and no principles. The following question becomes more and more legitimate: what really happened in New York, on September 11, 2001?