Extracts of the speech by Carlos Carvalhas, General Secretary of the Portuguese Communist Party, in closing the proceedings of the PCP’s National Conference – The PCP and Local Government
«The events which prepared [this Conference] and today’s debate bear witness to the Portuguese Communists’ interest in, and concern for, the improvement of their valuable and generous project for local government, which is recognized even by our opponents. […]
«As was stated by the [member of the Secretariat and Political Committee of the CC] Jorge Cordeiro in his opening speech, this Conference is not just about the administration of local authorities, nor is it a Conference just for elected officers. The content of our activity in Local Government, as we see it, goes well beyond the borders of mere management, encompassing and incorporating within it: monitoring, proposing, popular struggles and mobilization. This, regardless of whether we are in a majority, in a minority, or even if we have no elected officers. “… The Party’s activity in local affairs is the responsibility of the Party organisation as a whole and of all its members…” […]
«Our Conference has also analysed this Government’s offensive against Local Government, belittling it, blindly cutting financial resources, centralising even if cloaked as decentralisation. […]
«But this offensive will also be carried out with the assistance of the Socialist Party, pursuing the so-called Reform of the Electoral System. After the approval of the shameful laws on [Political] Parties and on [their] Financing, there is now an intention to move ahead with the so-called process of changing the electoral system for the Municipal Executives. […]
«In fact, after the hesitations and contortionism in relation to the package of labour legislation, after having given its agreement to the Government’s Growth and Stability Pact, after the bargaining surrounding the laws on [Political] Parties and their Financing, we will witness a few more pacts of the central block interests, between the Socialist Party [PS] and the right-wing majority on the issues of electoral laws.
«As is known, as we have often stated and has been confirmed by experience, Portugal’s electoral system for Local Government has specific traits that differentiate it from the model that is characteristic of most other European countries. It is a system which reflects a real democratic gain and which has, for over 25 years, enabled high rates of achievements that have made local government one of the major expressions of improvement in communities’ living standards.
«It is this rich and positive experience that they seek to eliminate, by eliminating the communities’ right to directly elect whom they want as their representatives in the Municipal Executives; by proposing that the President of the Municipal Executive (Mayor) automatically be the first on the most voted list for the Municipal Assembly; and by granting this person the absolute power to choose the remaining members of the Municipal Executive (in the PS’ maximalist version) or (in the proposal of the PSD [Social Democratic Party]) by retaining the direct election, but transforming relative majorities into absolute majorities.
«The truth is that, under the pretext of stability and operationality, there is an attempt to do away with democratic legitimacy and representation.
«Creating single-Party Executives would truly impoverish monitoring mechanisms and deal a serious blow against transparency in the running of many local authorities.
«It is enlightening that those who sing many hymns about citizens’ participation and bridging the gap between elected officers and voters, start off by denying voters their simple and inalienable right to choose, with their votes, those whom they think best represent them. […]
«Our Conference is being held after the recent adoption of the Law on [Political] Parties with the Socialist Party’s important contribution.
«It is an unacceptable interference in the internal life of political Parties. It seeks to ensure a single model in issues such as voting norms, internal electoral procedures or the type of leadership bodies that exist, and there is a trend towards the interference of the judicial system in inner-Party affairs. It is an affront against [Party] members’ sovereignty and free Party activities.
«Some of the proposals and changes specifically target the PCP. It has to be stressed that the idea of having Parties that oppose the PCP seeking to impose, through their majority in Parliament, changes to the PCP’s inner-Party life and rules, is totalitarian in nature.
«For us, ensuring an ever more democratic inner-Party activity is a constant need and concern. But it is up to us to decide when, what and how this will be done. […]
«As for the Law on the Financing of [political] Parties, what was adopted [in Parliament] was a big fat hike in public money for [political] Parties, according to a view that sees Parties as a sort of departments of the State.
«This increase [in public subsidies] will essentially go to the big Parties. At the same time, there are restrictions on fund-raising by the other Parties. They have even gone to the ridiculous extreme, in this Law, of awarding public financing to Parties that do not collect a single euro from donations!
«All of this is accompanied by a substantial increase in the quotas for expenses during electoral campaigns, which will increasingly render them a show, a circus, and not a serious presentation of proposals, exchange of points of view and solutions, debate and discussion.
"Obviously, for these measures there no longer appears to be a budget problem, there are no difficulties, there is no shortage of funds, it no longer appears necessary to tighten the belt so as to set the example… «In Parliament, during the debate on the Law on Party Financing, our MP António Filipe said: “ … it should be noted that the [Parliamentary] majority has an obsession with the Avante Festival, seeking to prevent, with the law on the Financing of political Parties, that this major political and cultural event may take place”. […]
«It has become clear that the PSD, with the support of the [far right People’s Party] are targeting the Avante Festival and a legitimate source of funds for the PCP. But we tell them clearly: stop daydreaming. The Avante Festival will continue and it will grow. […]
«Stepping up the more negative traits of the [previous] PS Government, proceeding with the counter-reforms, restricting achievements, rights and advances in Social Security, in the labour legislation, in health and education, this Government is increasingly spear-heading a concentration of wealth and privileges for finance capital. […]
«The results are there to be seen: recession; a drop in investment; a growing dependence and sub-contracting of the Portuguese economy; stronger foreign domination of the national decision-making centers. And with the inevitable social consequences: unemployment is spiralling, namely the unemployment of young technical workers and graduates, Portuguese families are increasingly indebted, real wages are dropping and thousands of workers face lower standards of living, increased inequalities and more pockets of poverty. […]
«Allow me a few, even if brief, references to the international situation and specifically to the problems and consequences resulting from the illegitimate US occupation of Iraq.
«Firstly, to reaffirm, before this important initiative of our Party, the PCP’s firm and total opposition to the undignified and subservient attitude of the [Portuguese] Government which, following its shameful political support for the unleashing of the war against Iraq, is now expressing its intention to involve Portuguese military or security forces in the occupation of Iraq, with disregard for the inexistence of any international mandate and behaving, with unparalleled shamelessness, as a mere national appendage of the Bush Administration.
«In this respect, it is also indispensable to say that no-one beats this Government when it comes to dishonesty, hypocrisy and cynicism.
«In fact, it is dishonesty, hypocrisy and cynicism when we see [Prime Minister] Durão Barroso and the PSD and CDS/PP Government seeking to legitimise Portugal’s involvement in the occupation of Iraq by invoking the problems of disorder, anarchy, insecurity and humanitarian catastrophe that exist in that country. […]
«Can’t they understand that, if they are responsible for the situation that exists in Iraq today, they cannot now ask those who opposed the war and the occupation to bow to the tragic fait accompli that the war hawks sought and materialized?
«It is this same hellish logic of the faits accomplis which are used as a springboard for further faits accomplis that can be seen in the shameless draft Resolution which the US and UK have just presented before the UN Security Council. It must be known that, leaving in the dark the undeniable violation of International Law that the US aggression represented (and which should have been condemned by the Security Council), it is seeking to have the UN legitimise the war and the occupation and give its blessing to the total powers of control, decision and administration (from oil to domestic political solutions) which the US is unwilling to give up, in this true protectorate that has just been set up in the Middle East, at the beginning of the third millennium.
«And it must also be recalled to the supporters of war who now claim to be concerned with the humanitarian situation in Iraq that it is shameful for the most powerful nation in the world, with all the means at its disposal, to not yet have bothered to at least provide medicines to the hospitals, after three weeks of occupation, and to let the looting proceed. The only stabilization with which they are concerned is that of the oil wells.
«We wish to reaffirm here that the Portuguese Communists and their Party, as millions of citizens throughout the world, will continue the struggle against this so-called “new international order” imposed by imperialism, which only worsens the oldest abuses and the most unacceptable forms of domination.
We will fight for the right of the peoples to freely decide their own future, for peace and for solidarity among the peoples.»