Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committe
They are all astounded and adrift. The financial great capital suffered a historical defeat, in Great Britain. Interferences and pressures of all kinds, against the British people, failed. Nor even the shameless agreement between the European Union and Cameron against the emigrants’ rights, nor Obama’s engagement towards a “strong Europe”, nor the catastrophe scenario, designed by the City great financier and economic groups and the Brussels’ Eurocrats, stopped the Brexit. The crisis within and of the European Union is, in reality, very deep, moreover being the surprise and disorientation irreparable, and installed within the leader circles as inevitable.
Nevertheless, one cannot underestimate the dominant class adapting capacity – which, alias, has not given up reverting the referendum outcome and, above all, one ought to be well alert concerning the vigilance with the well-known theory of the “ creative crisis” and the attempts to change this defeat, as a pretext to perform a neoliberal, militarist and federalist new start-up, which has been intended and designed by the hardcore nucleus of the capitalist integration process. The Brexit wavelength shock ought to be everlasting. Many are the uncertainties. But no doubt, on the EU as an imperialist block and ought to undergo everything, in order to ensure its power.
For that purpose, there exists a first battle using all its powerful manipulation media arsenal , with no hesitation. A field battle of ideas which ought to be decisive for its immediate purposes, consisting in eluding and manipulate the deep reasons of Great Britain’s YES victory, on leaving the EU. The personifying, Cameron’s prediction mistakes or instead Corbin’s lack of commitment, the struggle for power within the Tories and the conspiracy to put aside the Labour left-wing, masses of mislead voters, by one or another personality, and above all, the blemish that voting the Brexit ought to be a xenophobe and racist vote – all this to hinder the essential: the vote to leave is fundamentally a popular vote against the social situation deterioration, which reaches, in particular, workers’ regions of progressive traditions, and against national oppression, in result of the EU policies and its supranational dynamics. In Great Britain, the latter being greatly capitalized by the right-wing forces, as well as in France or in other countries, and is, firstly and in itself, a danger, the great capital being the responsible for the anti-social policies and national oppression.
Another field where the dominant class never hesitates, concerns the NATO European military arm’s reinforcement. The “ European security and common defence policy”, timely justified by the “ European left-wing” as an “autonomy” act and a counter-point towards the North-American hegemony, is more and more articulated with the USA and tightly inserted within the NATO war machine, a NATO that is non-stop in spreading its intervention sphere throughout the planet. It is not by chance that on the Brexit day-after ( in The Público, ex), all was to be questioned, concerning the EU future relationship with Great Britain, except in the military plan, evocating the British armed forces’ power and the Saint-Malo Franco-British treaty (1998) , which represented a powerful impulse on the EU militarization. Regarding the NATO Summit eve, in Warsaw, and its greatly dangerous agenda, this is the reason to, tomorrow in Lisbon and Saturday in Oporto, the Portuguese people are to cry out for Peace and NATO’s dissolution.