“Brazil at the crossroads”

Translated "Avante!" article by Luís Carapinha, Member of the International Department

The misinformation barrage round Brazil returned to its upmost point, these last days. Scarcely a few months upon Dilma Rousseff’s re-election, the great Brazilian bourgeoisie intensifies a frenetic campaign against the legitimate president and the consequent left-wing forces. Demagogically trampling on the corruption issue, the defeated right-wing in the polls embarked on the “third-round” coup, openly raising the possibility of considering Dilma’s impeachment. Last Sunday’s reactionary rallies, in several towns in Brazil, unmasking the visceral hatred and the wealthy classes antidemocratic agenda, ended up by calling out for the dictatorship return and even a foreign military intervention. Stating the South-American colossus is literally being aimed at and currently in a new counter-offensive stage, carried out by the North-American imperialism throughout Latin America, is a reality that is far from ignoring the exacerbated confrontation of the internal roots, that raise in Brazil.

The Brazilian people’s aims for better life conditions and the rejection of the poverty matrix and injustice, inherited for decades and issued from capitalist exploitation policies and underdevelopment, at the hands of corrupt governments, at the oligarchy service, are genuine.

But behind the shameless scoring of the scandals and corruption “cause”, currently fervently embraced by the Brazilian “opposition” and the dominant media, hinders the intent of coming to terms with the experience of the progressive change, initiated with Lula’s victory, in 2002. In other words, the class reckon with the poor electorate and the determining popular basis for Lula and Dilma’s triumphs, in the last 12 years.

They hail the “transparency” sword, but instead want the Petrobras public domain sold out and the pre-salt vast reserves handed over to the private capital interests and the multinationals. First and foremost, in a moment in which the pressures over Brazil’s economy grow and the GDP is in shrinks ( alias, to refer that with the ending of the Federal Reserve liquidity injection, one assists once again to the voracious capital migration trend of the so-called emergent powers, unto the USA), not forgetting the pressures to force the Brazilian government to withdraw and accommodate neoliberal nature measures, worthy of critics , namely, coming from the PT core. No, the associated powerful Brazilian “elite” and the transnational financial capital urgently demand , the command of the political power. Therefore, the dangerous drive towards the coup paths which the violent campaign against Dilma and the Brazilian left-wing – not holding a majority within the Congress – highlights.

The current situation in Brazil is not estranged from the great dangers and contradictions existent within the international context. The capitalist crisis spiral development illuminates the running out signals and limits of the redistributive model, on which were based the achievements and major social programmes implemented during the last years. By proceeding the force accumulation and the defence of concrete demands concerning sovereignty and social progress implies to confront the great bourgeoisie’s positions and advance towards the path of deep democratic changes. Normally, the conciliation with the enemy’s demands only but strengthens its assault.

Imperialism bets on Brazil’s destabilization. It has never forgotten Brasilia’s role on what concerns the BRICS’ dynamics and the Latin-America integration process, as highlighted by the CELAC existence, which challenges their hegemony. Within Brazil – as in the transcendent battle which takes place in Venezuela, or in the growing lived ebullition in Argentina – the mobilized masses’ role and the patriotic and popular field unity, are of the greatest importance to defeat the anti-democratic threats and stop the great capital forces at their service.

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