"Against reactionary and imperialism intents"

"Avante!" Article by Albano Nunes, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee

The news appeared as a great event. Germany's GDP growth of 2.2%, in the second trimester, ought to have been “the greatest since the reunification”. Some newspapers published headlines on the “German locomotive at high speed”.

Obviously, the German powerful economic groups and Germany's export potential had benefits with the Euro's devaluation together with the imperialist charges on the weakest economies, such as Portugal. But one doubts it might be a durable trend. Besides, the manner how the EU technocrats are reacting towards the news is expressive: at the same time they grow expectations on recovery in brief, on the other hand, they talk about “uncertainty” and “ weakness”, warning about “ structural reforms” and “ austerity” policies must carry on. Before the mass initiatives, called upon for next autumn, throughout Europe, they therefore, try to demobilize and diminish the struggle's purpose, by announcing, herewith, the impossibility in answering the workers' demands, for that might compromise the recuperation. In any case, of which “recovery” are they talking about? Of theirs, of new capital concentration levels and of workers' and peoples' exploitation. Such serious problems' solution as unemployment, precarious work with no rights or the more and more huge trench between rich and poor, are absent from this “recovery”.

Meanwhile, even following the bourgeois economic policy criteria, its true the economic crisis evolution is loaded of uncertainties, in other aspects of capitalism dynamics, unfortunately, the trends are well clear: the run to armament, the tension and war focuses are spreading, more and more serious attacks to fundamental rights and freedoms, the advance of racists and fascist forces.
Just after Obama's solemn promises, Guantanamo concentration camp, is currently, waiting to be closed up and the military “courts”, created by Bush, continue in functions; when the fascist ex-president Alvaro Uribe, from Colombia, delivers opinions within the inquiry commission created by the UN, upon the Israeli cruel attack to the Gaza solidarity flotilla, on the 31st Mat last; when, within France, racist and xenophobe measures develop, issued from the state power, which widely lead Le Monde to headline on its front page that “ Mr. Sarkozy wants to harden repression against foreign origin delinquents” or that “ the extreme right-wing wants to collect what Mr. Sarkozy plants”; when the Japonese government commemorates Hiroshima's and Nagasaki's 65th anniversary of the nuclear holocaust, for the first time, in the company of the aggressor power representatives, and declares Japan's support to the USA's “ nuclear dissuasion” policy, precisely when the USA and South Korea carry out, in the RPDK 's borders, gigantic military manoeuvres, simulating and instigating this sovereign country's invasion; when all the later and much more takes place , as if it were natural, one must prepare for the worse and develop increased efforts to mobilize workers, youth, masses against imperialism and reactionary forces, towards choices of sovereignty, progress, cooperation and peace.

And to carry on, knowing “capitalism brings war, as a cloud brings tempest” and, while exploitation from man to man subsists, the roots of oppression and war shall not be destroyed. But, nevertheless, with the mobilizing assurance, supported by the historical experience, of which, the social progress and peace forces, if united and mobilized, might hinder the path of reaction and imperialism's most dangerous intents. It is with this perspective that the PCP calls upon to intensify internationalist solidarity together with the peoples , which are in the first line of resistance towards imperialism and transform the unitary campaign “ Peace Yes, NATO No” in a huge mass policy campaign.

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