Our first comment is of satisfaction. Satisfaction for the important electoral progress of CDU. A progress that is an important sign of demand for change and of confidence in the possibility of building a better life. Our second comment is of concern with the situation of the country and of the Portuguese people but also of confidence that another policy, another path is possible. Given the crisis, unemployment, injustice and corruption, another reality is necessary: to give more strength to CDU.
1. The results obtained by CDU – confirming the election of two deputies (in the contact of reduction from 24 to 22 national mandates), the increase in its electoral expression and the number of votes – express a current of support witnessed during the campaign, confirming CDU as a force that is growing, and is indispensable to the country and to a solution to national problems.
Confirming the direction of advance and electoral growth of CDU in the last electoral events, the present results point towards, in national political life and in the next elections, the possibility of defeating the right-wing policies as well as imposing, with the reinforcement of CDU, a change in national policies.
A result with a significance and expression to be valued as it was built from a campaign that, based on the committed intervention of thousands of activists seeking to mobilize and clarify voters, had to surpass a ostensible line of devaluing of CDU. The persistent distortion of its message and proposals, and the pressure induced by successive polls confirmed throughout the campaign the clear perception that the government and the economic interests tied to right-wing policies see in CDU the vote that they most fear and that most challenges their power, not only in words, but in its action and alternative project, an alternative to the right-wing policy and the interests of the big economic and financial groups.
2. The electoral defeat suffered by PS, translated in the loss of deputies and votes, constitutes an expressive condemnation of the Government's policy and an erosion of its support base. The results now obtained by PS – inseparable from the struggle and indignation that united hundred of thousands of Portuguese in the defense of the right to work, of public services, of social conquests, and that found in PCP and CDU the most determined and firm opposition – are in itself an expression of a clear condemnation of its policies and orientations, and confirm that it is not only possible, bu indispensable, to impose in next September's elections a new and expressive defeat of this government and of the right-wing policies.
3. CDU draws attention towards the operation that, given the interpretation of the results of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), is already being developed aiming to artificially stimulate a dynamic of bipolarization that tends to elude the real identity of the proposals and policies that, as the European campaign revealed, unite PSD and PS. What the country calls for is a clear rupture with the right-wing policies that for more than 33 years PS and PSD have promoted in alternation, a rupture only possible with the reinforcement of CDU.
4. CDU salutes the candidates, activists and militants of PCP, the Ecologist Party (PEV), and Democratic Intervention (ID) and independents that with their generous dedication, with their irreplaceable intervention contributed, across the country, to affirm the distinctive intervention of CDU in the European Parliament in the defense of the national interests and to project it as an indispensable force in the solution of national problems and a rupture with right-wing policies.
CDU salutes the thousands of voters, many of whom confided their vote for the first time in this coalition with the full guarantee that here they will find the direction and demand of change in national political life that opens a window of hope for a better life.
The campaign of clarification and mobilization of wills that, week upon week, the CVU developed, constitutes an inestimable win for the affirmation of a force identified with the interests of workers and the populations, deeply tied with its concerns and aspirations, sharing its unshakable confidence that a better, more dignified life is possible.
The March "Protest, Confidence and Struggle" that flooded the streets of the center of Lisbon, on May 23rd, constitutes – far beyond a mere campaign initiative – a indelible mark of a force anchored in a broad current of men and women that do not resign before hardship and a clear affirmation of combative confidence in those that believe in the construction of a more developed and sovereign Portugal, that will carry on its meaning and dimension in the many struggles to be imposed by a rupture with right-wing policies and the building of an alternative policy for our country.
The results obtained by CDU, and particularly the current of support to our proposals and intervention, are a solid element of confidence for the political and electoral battles that in the near future can decide a change in our national political life.