Approved unanimously
Workers and peoples are living in a dangerous moment. The structural crisis of capitalism and the attempt to counteract the relative decline of the US and other major capitalist powers are driving imperialism's aggressive actions to new and more threatening heights. The danger of a new war of major proportions is clear – a war that must be prevented.
The US, NATO and the EU defend an escalation of confrontation and war, trivializing the danger of a catastrophe that, in the nuclear age, would threaten to end the existence of humanity.
The genocide of the Palestinian people carried out by Israel, with the support and protection of the US and its allies, notably the European Union, is an expression of imperialism's true face, which – from Afghanistan to Iraq, from Libya to Syria, from Palestine to Lebanon, from Yugoslavia to Ukraine, from Yemen to so many other countries – has spread death, suffering and destruction.
The ongoing drive of militarism and interventionism, which includes the brutal aggression against the Palestinian people, demonstrate how far imperialism is willing to go to crush any expression of resistance and sovereignty. Imperialism is, by its nature, incapable of accepting relations on the basis of equality; it knows only the language of force, predation, and war. The sovereignty and economic and social development of other countries are unacceptable to imperialism. Therefore, it promotes increasing provocations and threats against the People's Republic of China, aiming to curb its impetuous development and its role in the rearrangement of forces on the world stage, which it views unfavourably. The violent attempt to submit the world to US domination belies the tired lies about ‘values’, ‘democracy’, ‘human rights’, which have only served as pretexts for so many aggressions and wars.
The action of imperialism at the international level is inseparable from its exploitative and oppressive offensive in each country, with attacks on rights and living conditions, increasing social inequalities and injustices, the accentuation of anti-communism and restrictions on democratic freedoms, and the simultaneous promotion of reactionary and fascistic conceptions and forces.
Capitalism has nothing to offer the peoples but exploitation, regression of rights, poverty, plunder, war.
The workers and peoples must raise their voices and rise up to block the road to disaster upon which they are pushing humanity, and unite in a broad anti-imperialist front against fascism and war, for peace and cooperation.
Faithful to its history of more than a century and to its patriotic and internationalist principles, PCP expresses its solidarity: with the workers who, all over the world, are fighting against exploitation, for their rights, for social progress and socialism; with the heroic Palestinian people who resist a brutal aggression and continue the struggle for their national rights; with the Cuban people who persist in resisting the US blockade and in defending their revolution; with the Syrian people, the target of a prolonged external operation; with the Venezuelan, Lebanese, Sahrawi, Cypriot people and so many other peoples who face the interference and aggression of imperialism and who fight for their rights, sovereignty and development.
PCP reaffirms its determination to fight against war and the very dangerous escalation of confrontation carried out by imperialism; for a political solution to international conflicts; against the arms race; for the dissolution of NATO and the establishment of a system of collective security, towards the creation of an international order capable of ensuring peace and justice in the relations between peoples; for a Portuguese foreign policy of national independence and peace and friendship with all peoples, in accordance with the principles of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.
No to the escalation of war by imperialism!
End the genocide of the Palestinian people!
Long Live peace and internationalist solidarity!
The struggle continues!