"When the peoples rise"

Article by Luis Carapinha, member of the International Department

Sailing among reefs and hiding setbacks, the USA’s and the imperialism, in general, vast rehabilitation and new look campaign, proceeds.

A concrete example is the recent Obama’s speech episode in Cairo, of which the international news agencies and the mediatic system, within the hands of the great capital, rattled, unto exhaustion, just as an historical event (to which Natanyahu was prompt in answering with the historic offering of a [non] Palestinian State: without an army, without any aerial control, without any relationship with Iran, etc…, etc! Another obscenity out from the Zionist top-hat. Doubtlessly, but not for the USA and the EU, which promptly qualified the Israeli prime minister’s statement as an encouraging step…).

In the opposite plan, the 39th Assembly of the American States Organization (ASO), concluded on the 3rd June, in the Honduras –just exactly on the eve of the Cairo’s speech -, and especially the decision, which , in practically terms, annulled Cuba’s exclusion from the organization , in 1962, called upon an almost marginal attention, from the world news network.

The reasons of this almost harsh silencing of the decision which turned a dark 47 years old page, are understandable, illustrating the sharp class battles fought at an international scale and the unknown image, of the power correlation, achieved within Latin America. The now approved resolution, following a long iron arm with Washington, represents a new USA defeat, independently from the position of Cuba not returning to the ASO / OEA, as known beforehand. As referred in the Havana Government statement/communiqué, " Cuba did not ask nor wishes to return to the OEA /ASO, an institution which carries a sinister allegiance history, but recognizes the political value, the symbolism and the obstinacy which emanate from this decision, impelled by the Latin American popular governments" (Telesur, 09.06.03).

Notwithstanding, the great news agencies’boycott,it is no secret that the 1962 discriminatory measure annulment against the revolutionary Cuba was possible, in great measure, due to the great firm position adopted by the ALBA countries, founded by Cuba and Venezuela, in 2004.

Symptomatically, today it is the island of Freedom, that holds diplomatic relations with all the American hemisphere countries, excepting the USA. The last country to re-establish relations with Cuba was El Salvador, following the presidential election of the Farabundo Martía Front’s FMLN) candidate. Not of less relevance, is the perspective which is gaining force, expressed on the occasion, by Rafael Correa, the Equator president, of " creating a Latin –American and Caribbean country organization, with no foreign protection, respecting, not only the waters, but the food, knowledge and energy sovereignty". It is the [transcendent] "challenge we face at this moment", he added. Equator which, on the very 3rd June, announced its total adherence to ALBA, therefore, becoming the 8th country entering the organization.

Emancipation and social progress purposes which collide frontally with the USA imperialism agenda (associating, on what concerns the major purposes, the EU, despite the existent rivalry and concurrence elements) which, in a tight connexion with the national oligarchies, will not give up the purpose in succeeding on the interventionism and counter- offensive strategy within Latin America, which the Obama Administration proceeds.

The legitimate expectations, created by million of Latin-Americans and the sovereignty and change wave created by the ascension of the several progressist processes in the region, present the greater challenge and exigency of its enlargement, deepening and qualitative consolidation.

History teaches us that, when the peoples rise, they become irrepressible.




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