"Weapons and terror"

Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

Whilst the UN votes a Treaty, allegedly to control the weapon trade, the most important imperialist powers ensure a “weapon cataract” unto the Syrian rebels, through a “ secret aerial bridge” which “ begun in a small scale at the beginning of 2012” and then increased “ upon the USA’s presidential elections, in November”. General Petraeus, the CIA ex-director, “ was decisive to ensure the start of the aerial liaisons”, carrying weapons unto Syria. A great amount come from Croatia ( which is part of the EU since in July 1st) and are directed by the dictatorial Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s monarchies, across Jordania and Turkey. The above description is of unsuspected origin (in the New York Times, NYT 2013.03.24). Hollande and Cameron publicly appealed in favour of the lifting against the EU weapon embargo to Syria, last \March (in BBC, 2013.03.14). But “ it is known that the British military counsellors are [currently] in action along the Syria boarder countries, side-by-side with the French and American, training rebel leaders […]. It is believed the American also are training on local chemical weapons’ control”.( in the Telegraph, 2013.03.08). The weapon trade is “under control”.

The imperialist war machine has horrendous effects. The car bomb explosion in the centre of Damascus killing “ at least 72 people, the majority civilians” (in the NYT, 2013.03.22). The USA have refused to condemn this terrorism act ( in Russia Today, 2013.03.22) and some justified it was necessary to “weaken the argument the government guarantees security” (in NYT, 2013.03.21). Syrian rebels captured 20 UN blue helmets, close to the Mount Golan territories occupied by Israel (in BBC, 2013.03.06). In order to hinder the weapon trafficking? Russia gave credit to the Syrian government accusations against the rebels having used chemical weapons, killing 25 people. The British Telegraph (2013.03.19) says: “ An attack over the zones under government control, at Kahn al-Assal, a village at Aleppo’s western outskirts, by the morning breakout, provoked wounds, such as suffocation and mouth foaming. A great part of the victims were government soldiers”. Immediately after, the USA “ refused the accusation the rebels had used mass destruction weapons” - how were they aware? - and the day after, insinuated the “regime” was responsible (in the Telegraph, 2013.03. 20) ( against their own soldiers, amid territory under its control?!). Russia accuses the UN of stop the fact’s investigation, under “ certain states” pressure ( in RIA Novosti, 2013.03. 06).

Meanwhile, “ the USA ‘s chief military commander in Europe stated that many NATO countries are preparing contingence plans for a possible military action […] within Syria”. (in the Telegraph, 2013.03.20), Obama having declared that the use of chemical weapons would be “ the red line” for an attack. An Israeli minister stated that “chemical weapons were recently used in Syria, either by the rebels or the government” (in the Telegraph, 2013.03. 20. Or instead by Israel, bombing Syria in January last? ( in the NYT, 2013.03. 30). A bomb explosion took place in the Al Imã mosque, in Damascus, killing “ the main Syrian Sunit clerical”, a pro-Assad” (in NYT, 2013.03.21) together with 42 people. The attempt also killed the myth the conflict in Syria was, in fact, a discriminated Sunit upraise. Mortars hit the University of Damascus, killing 15 students, on the 28th March last (in BBC, 2013.03.28).

Syria’s bloodshed (and in neighbour Iraq) makes it clear, as in all imperialist wars, violence is hand-in-hand with the most shameless lies and falsifications. It is important to have this in mind, at the time imperialism prepares new and dangerous wars in the Far-East.

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