"An uprising people"

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC

The consolidation and moving forward of the Venezuela Bolivarian Revolution was marked by a new and important struggle day in its defence, on the 10th January 2013.

Facing the reactionary and coup forces’ destabilizing and provocateur manoeuvres, the workers and the people of Venezuela upraised, once again, in the defence and respect for its Constitution and democratic institutions, popular sovereignty, expressed by Hugo Chavez re-election as President of the Venezuela Bolivarian Republic, on the 7th October last.

A day of struggle with the presence of the revolutionary and progressive Latin American forces internationalist solidarity expression, and from other parts of the world.

Such a great and significant mass mobilizing which, although silenced by the same media which gave voice and instigated the current intrigue and divisionism manoeuvres, gave it a staunch.

What is painful for the Venezuela reactionary forces and imperialism is that, over passing insufficiencies, having found solutions for complex problems and over passing hard proofs , - such as the economic boycott, the military coups, violence, permanent provoking and lies, or instead the interference and the external destabilizing - along the last 14 years, the Bolivarian Revolution stepped forward, mobilizing and uniting workers and the people, in order to take in their hands the building of a direction, to answer their needs and bring upon their legitimate and just aspirations.

What is painful ( and all is done to silence or conceal) is that the Bolivarian Revolution mobilizes resources and the country’s production for the satisfaction of the people’s needs; ensure health care; eradicate illiteracy and universalise the access to all levels of education ; promote information, knowledge, culture and artistic expressions; progressive answer to the fundamental basic services, such as electricity, potable water or basic sanitation , as well as dignified lodging; increase retirement pensions and the number of those who receive them; promote and enlarge the range of social security; reduce poverty significantly ; ensure a more just redistribution of produced wealth ; ensure workers’ labour rights; diminish unemployment, towards an expressive result; increase the minimum salary consecutively; invest in national production; nationalize strategic sector companies, in order to materialize the country’s economic and social development plan ; diminish external dependency; safeguard and state its sovereignty and national independence; promote and diversify its friendship, peace and solidarity relations with other countries; and proceed with cooperation anti-imperialist processes within the regional framework, such as ALBA, and sovereign affirming processes, non-submitted to the USA’s domain, such as CELAC.

The Bolivarian Revolution is confronted with a complex and difficult moment which places, as a fundamental demand, the reaffirming and the strengthening of popular forces unity, of the whole of the revolutionary and patriotic forces, reunited in the Patriotic Great Polo, of the Bolivarian National Army, to safeguard the Venezuela workers’ and people’s historical conquests together with its national sovereignty and proceed with the lçarge and consecutive social transformation programme, which points out as an purpose, the edification of an “ Independent and Socialist Homeland”.

Before the workers’ and the people of Venezuela’s firm and revolutionary forces combative struggle, before the huge challenges ahead and the reactionary, military coups and imperialist interference, permanent destabilizing and provoking action, an active internationalist solidarity is demanded.

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