"Unity and Struggle"

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the PCP International Department

The progressive and revolutionary forces’ developments, within some of the Latin America and Caribbean countries,and upon 15 years, which begun with Commandant Hugo Chávez election, as president of Venezuela, opened the way towards the progress of diversified sovereign development and improvement of life conditions for the population’s wide strata processes, setting back the neo-liberal forces and the USA, when suddenly, imperialism holds hand, starting and recuperating the lost ground, throughout this sub-continent.

In order to achieve its purposes, imperialism increases and intensifies its systematic interference, to articulate, agglomerate and reorganize the reactionary forces, in countries, which suffered hard coups - upon years of brutal neo-liberal policies, for which they are responsible - and use their influence and political, economic and ideological domain, promoting destabilization among the progressive and revolutionary processes, by monitoring their difficulties, contradictions or boundaries.

And that occurred with the Honduras and Paraguay coups along with the defeated coups in Venezuela, Ecuador or even in Bolivia. And the very same with the continuous and intense destabilization operation in Venezuela, the current petrol companies’ operation against the Ecuador, provoking Bolivia or even the Cuba blockade. And the pressure increase on all Latin America governments, which resist to imperialism dictates.

The USA intent to shatter the Latin America and Caribbean several cooperation and integration processes such as the - ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC or even the MERCOSUL - in order to more easily impose their political and economic power, being different processes and holding differential objectives, considering and regarding sovereignty and the interests within the Latin American and Caribbean countries affirmation and consequently, owing to their anti- imperialist nature. Herewith, the USA develop the so-called Pacific Alliance, integrating Chile, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, having established “ free trade treaties” with these countries - with the purpose of increasing exploitation, natural resources plunder, wealth concentration and the establishment of relations based on economic subordination within the Pacific region - counteracting with cooperation and integration processes in Latin America.

The USA have been reinforcing their military presence through the installing of about 75 military bases and premises and the presence of its IV Fleet in Latin America and the Caribbean, besides the agreements established in the area, as an example the recent agreement between Colombia and the NATO.

Before the imperialism counter-offensive and having the conscience of the achieved conquests, if not defended nor deepened, they ought to become reversible, and the most consequent forces might seek for unity among the revolutionary and progressive forces to achieve new victories and move forward, with the support and participation of workers and peoples, the democratic and social, economic and political change processes, as well as the cooperation and the mutual advantage integration ,among sovereign states, pointing out the need for the deepening of their programmatic, strategic and ideological objectives.

Being confronted with the great challenges Latin America faces, the PCP hands out its solidarity with the peoples’ struggle for their sovereignty, democratic and progressive advances, for the revolutionary changes, for the building of Socialism.

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